Technical Doblo 1.3 multijet oil filter

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Technical Doblo 1.3 multijet oil filter


New member
Jan 11, 2007
Please can anyone advise where the oil filter is situated on the 1.3 diesel multijet as I cant get a manual or a cd on ebay to cover this job cheers.
Its under a black metal shield that is held on by 3 nuts. Facing you when you open the bonnet, just below bonnet level. You will need a 27mm socket to undo the plastic filter housing which is below the metal shield.
The new filter just pushes home but be very careful how you locate the new rubber O ring
as it does NOT fit at the bottom of the plastic housing, but in a groove.
Its simple really,
The shield looks a bit superfluous to me......
Is it really any use T ? because without it the filter change would be a 30 second job..........
All done standing in front of the car too, full marks Fiat :)
Apologies T for posting twice about the "shield" , but I thought you would be more active on the Grande forum :)
Thanks for the help with the filter its in a tight place looking at it there is a standard nut and 2 star nuts is it best to remove the engine cover and the rubber pipe for acsess.
I`m familiar with the engine filter, but not the surrounding kit in the Doblos engine bay.
On my Punto I use a flexible drive to remove those 3 nuts.

Just to add, (edit) On the Punto it can be eased out without removing anything.
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Please can anyone advise where the oil filter is situated on the 1.3 diesel multijet as I cant get a manual or a cd on ebay to cover this job cheers.

What a pig of a job it is to change on the doblo there are 4 nuts on the sheaf over the oil filter ,all them are buried deep inside the engine bay and are very difficult to get to even with a flexi drive. I have no idea what the purpose of this metal cover is as the job would be a doddle without it.
I'm about to attempt to do an oil and filter change on my doblo 1.3 multijet. It looks a frigging daunting job. Firstly having trouble locating the oil filter and how the heck do I get at the drain plug ???
Why do they make it so difficult to carry out what should be a routine job.
Any help would be greatly appreciated

Make sure you get the right filter.Ive just done our multijet panda and there seem to be two types;one with a spigot on one end and one with a hole straight through and some clips to hold it into the housing.Youll need a 27mm socket or box spanner and a 12mm hexagon drain plug key if its the same as the panda.Cant see what good the cover does.Daughters boyfriend who is a technician at a fiat van dealer reckons to leave them off.
Well a big thank you to all. Did my oil and filter change without a problem.
A good socket set with a long extension made life alot easier and all in all I whipped the black metal cover off in under 10 mins. I also removed the black hose to give me more space.
As for the drainplug, I cheated there. Instead of removing the undershield I located roughly where the drainplug was and cut a 3 inch hole in the shield with a holesaw. Nice and neat and worked like a dream. It will make future oil changes much easier.
Thank you for the advice T and dobloseven :)
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As for the drainplug, I cheated there. Instead of removing the undershield I located roughly where the drainplug was and cut a 3 inch hole in the shield with a holesaw. Nice and neat and worked like a dream. It will make future oil changes much easier.
Thank you for the advice T and dobloseven :)

LOL nice one(y)

This may sound a stupid question, but does anyone know if thers a fuel filter in the doblo multijet ? The guy at the motor factors said there may not be one fitted

Take a pic of engine bay & we will point it out to you;)
Hello I can finally include the link,:D
The engine drain plug is in the engine sump under the shield which protects the bottom of the engine this can be taken off in about ten minutes.

The oil filter is in the front of the engine next to the oil filler cap, covered by a black metal guard. It comes off easily with an extension on the socket, (1 10mm nut and 2 T-30 Torx bolts) Then put a 27mm socket on the plastic filter cover and unscrew.

I could have left the guard off but its easy to put it back it must have a purpose? same with engine shield you could make a hole in it? but it comes off in under 10 minutes so do the job correctly.
photo's how to change oil and filter
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hi new on hear & want to no what oil is best to use in my doblo 1.3 multijet please ??
& also does it have a timing chain fitted ??
& what about dpf filter its a 2006 if any one coul help please thanx ?:)