Reviews by corb2000

Excellent, prompt service and fair prices
  • Good communications, good value
Based on recommendations from forum members I had my daughter’s Fiat 500 transported from Brighton to SCS with a clutch issue and a backlog of other overdue work due to her avoiding maintenance and just driving the car until it broke down.
They looked at the car promptly after it arrived and gave me a thorough assessment of what was needed - this with me just a voice on the phone and them not having met me or my daughter.
The work was quickly carried out and my daughter picked the car up a week or so later. She is delighted with the car and I’ll be trying yet again to convince her that regular maintenance isn’t optional!
corb2000 recommends this garage
You can not go wrong with Small Car Services and Dean. I've posted other trust and tesimonials but also have spent many hours with Dean and his team. We even worked together on my 130TC both working together and getting the work done.

Also if Dean/SCS get soemthing wrong (we all make mistakes or things get the better of us) then with Dean and SCS you will not get excuses, or any other 'get out' or mitigation speaches. Things will just be put right to your satisfaction.

It is also nice to see yet another person give the thumbs up to SCS and Dean.