General JTD Clutch

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General JTD Clutch

Jul 8, 2005
on the A684
Seems Bunny's Bravo has been old-lady-ownered prior to us buying it.. 28k and a knackered clutch. I can't imagine the friction material is worn out in this time so I'm thinking pressure plate? Very annoying to find out as it was getting Angel tuned at the time. :( Clutch just couldn't hold the power.

Anyone had theirs done? Approx costs and people to avoid? Any little undocumented problems to make the person doing the job aware of?
1stly dont use Angel Tuning they tune the car to a unrealistic point where the cars clutch just wont handle it (the max they should boost it is by 30BHP no more, not the stated 50BHP, thats just to draw people in thinking there Bravo is 150BHP when on the rolling road its way off) and 2ndly if the flywheel needs to be changed aswell as the clutch then your talking mega bucks. I think the fly wheel is £300 to £400 on its own.

If you get a remap get a custom one and a remap that can cope with the clutch. Dont pay for a remap that just plugs in and transfers a map to the car in 5mins. Afterall what Bravo JTD is the same. I.e The map they use could be from a JTD that may have non OE fiat parts, exhaust, MAF etc, when was it last serviced, what was the mileage of the car etc etc, get a custom map, specifically suited to your car. Try red dot or celtic tuning maybe a bit more expensive but offer full VAT receipts unlike Angel, still waiting for my receipt over 7months now. The other companies offer very reasonable prices and do custom remaps and i think red dot offers rolling road genuine BHP outputs too.

I had my clutch done locally, cost me £370 its an 8hr job, had a Valeo 3 Piece clutch fitted with 2yr warranty. So take it somewhere you trust to put it all back together properly for you. Sub Frames etc need removing.
I know what a 130bhp diesel feels like - this was definetly pushing harder. A map to what the current clutch can take would be.. hmmm probably a drop down to 80ish..

If the subframe is coming off must be worth changing the lower arms at the same time then?
i'd get a 'performance clutch' because the extra friction and stronger springs mean the clutch can transfer higher torque, so it would have a much better chance of surviving a remapped JTD. the power isnt the problem, its the immense torque levels, i wish i had that problem :D
I wondered about a 'performance clutch' but was told a standard one would be sufficient - providing the car isn't driven with a foot resting on the clutch pedal :rolleyes:

I have almost the opposite problem with the Marea - I think the slave cylinder is dying under the massive pressure required to operate the 2.4JTD clutch :D

Wish I had the time to bleed the thing before I splash out on parts.
There is no performance clutch for the Bravo JTD. There was a place called Ricambituning that did one, but they removed its stated capabilities for some reason. HELIX also did a organic clutch which was that good it smashed the clutch plate all the time. It was removed from production.

If you do manage to find one, let us know.

I'm currently running on a O.E Valeo clutch, no problems. Originally after Angel Tuning touched my car it would slip trying to accelerate up hills, aswell as slip overtaking at 50mph. Now on the new clutch all i sometimes get is a slight judder in higher gears when trying to accelerate at a slow speed. But thats obvious drop it a gear silly. But i drive around this so i never notice it. Bunny will defo have to drive her car differently when she gets it done. No harsh take offs as thats what will wear your clutch aswell as riding the clutch. But pressing the accelerator hard while under momentum is fine.
For the record the reason the clutch was slipping was that it had turned itself into a ducatti with a wet clutch :rolleyes:

The engine oil was seeping around the thread of the bolts holding the DMF to the crank. This was thrown out onto the clutch material. DMF was given a thorough clean and the clutch was replaced. Was working fine after.