Just saw this picture this morning on AirSociety Facebook page (air suspension website). Thought you guys would like it! It's definitely laying low!!

I'm not bothered by the stance or anything, just the silly scene that tends to come with these sort of thingI think some comments have been a little on the harsh side. Obviously the car is too low to be used properly.
But I doubt that's the height it would be driven at and is more of a posing while parked stance.
i think it's pretty cool. Wouldn't want to own it or drive it, but I like the fact that people are doing these mods. The "how did they do that" factor intrigues me, and it helps to make the 500 a cool car, keeping it in posters on the bedroom walls of kids. Nobody does this to Daewoo Lanoses.
*awaits RobinPJ's inevitable proof that I underestimate the size of the Modding scene for the Daewoo brand ;-)
I hate it when people put air suspension on a car and claim it's a track weapon! Some uprated shock absorbers is what you need! :slayer:
unless you've driven a car on bags you probably have nothing to compare it to. depending the brand they handle just as well if not better than coilovers.
unless you've driven a car on bags you probably have nothing to compare it to. depending the brand they handle just as well if not better than coilovers.
check it out, Mini Cooper S bagged track car - http://www.airsociety.net/2011/12/mini-cooper-s-racing-air-airrex/
I think they could have chose a better wheel that the BBS (reps?).
It was a bit of sarcasm, which I should have realised you wouldn't get as you're not a regular poster - apologies! I actually think it looks really good, although I think they could have chose a better wheel that the BBS (reps?).
The 500 is a great 'base' to work from, and the more people that start modifying them (tastefully :yumthe better!