General new clutch lightened flywheel

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General new clutch lightened flywheel


Established member
Jul 5, 2006
Hi there my clutch slips as soon as the turbo spins, has anyone used the black diamond comp clutch £140 or the remanufactured heavy duty organic one on ebay he has good feedback, and was going to lighten the flywheel at the same time as i've heard its a good mod but how much do you take off, also i've heard about the crank sensor mod where you advance it slightly, as the cam and crank sensors are fixed, you turn the dizzy to no effect my mate has a saab 9000 2.3 turbo t5 which he's upgrading to t28 will this turbo fit my uno mk2 where are you all getting your t25s off, eg 200sx's any help much appreciated "ANTSUNO"
You cant remove too much or they become weak. 1kg will make a difference.

I will buy one of those clutches you're talking about if its the same i guy i think it is next time i need one. i personally wouldn't bother with any 'sports' clutch, they are all pants some have been tested in the past and have found to have a lower clamping pressure than the original item!

Old Saab's used to use T3's which aren't worth the hassel fitting as it would be very laggy and require a lot of work. If he's putting a T28 on its possible they now use a T25?? Or just small T3's, either way i wouldn't bother personally.

Most people buy hybrid turbos designed to be a direct fit. in most cases they have T25 wheels and are not T25's in the true sense of the word. one might cost more than finding and adapting one from another engine but they will be made to measure so to speak.

I would be careful trying to advance your timing you dont want to start detting!

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thanks for that mk1 kid about the clutch, i just want to put one in and forget, the one whats in it is standard looks only slightly worn as soon as turbo spins it wont hold, i had a borg and beck in my 309 gti and nailed it about for 3 years until engine expired nowt wrong with the clutch tho. and the advance mod is well known apparantly you slightly adjust the crank sensor, as i think they are a bit retarded from factory on mk2 1992 cat. i was interested in the t25 as a few have them on collective and rate them i think off nissan 200 sx's would like to source one know and when mine smokes do the swap. if anyone knows which is the least hassle free swap cheers mate Ant
regarding the clutch, heres a pic of my Black Diamond one after 14k miles!! it exploded the spring out! heading on 200bhp took its toll

now replaced by a 4 paddle competition clutch custom made from a little old place i know that are the dogs ;)

Just be aware another T25 will probably if not certainly require you modding your down pipe. Though its only 2" or so and you would benefit from having a 2 1/4 or 2.5" downpipe made anyway if you're fitting a T25. The compressor housing is bound to need rotating too but thats easy and you should be able to do that yourself.

thanks for that lads i dont think i'l buy that black diamond clutch now im, going to go for the organic techniclutch one on ebay £60 half the price,i emailed a guy with a punto gt who i found in his feedback and he said no probs a year later she'l do for me cheers Ant