General x19

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General x19


New member
Sep 17, 2007
hi all,my name is andy and i have just picked up a 1982 x19 1500 to restore for
my dad.i haven't owned a fiat since my 105 tc 10 yrs ago
and normally only get involved with old fords(i own a mk1 cortina).
At the moment i am really struggling to get my head around the wiring diagrams in the haynes manual.the problem is the lights do not rise
and after checking with the multimeter,it seems i have no current to the motors.the colours of the wires in the haynes manual are different to the ones on my car and if i had any hair i would have pulled it out by now!:bang:
Is there any way to source a more accurate wiring diagram?.Also,is it possible
to fit the earlier 1300 quarter bumpers on the 1500 as neither of us are too crazy about the 1500 "benches".Any info would be most apprieciated as this is all a bit new to me.cheers people.:)
The wiring in the supplementary section of your haynes manual is a lot closer than the original 1300 wiring in the main electrics section.

The headlamp motors is a tricky one as it is governed by a nasty bit of wiring but it isn't too complex. If you open up the little covers behind the headlamps (open the front luggage area to find them) and try winding the top of the motors by hand while the lights are on, you have to be careful as the motors have a fair old bit of torque and if they suddenly start spinning it can wrench your hand (or worse). You should find you can turn them so far and all of a sudden the electrics take over and they go back to where they were. If this is the case it is most likely down to a pair of diodes on each motor that can be repaired for about £1 in parts from your local maplins store. If not then check the relays are all working in the fusebox and that all of the fuses are intact.

As for converting back to the original quarter bumpers, you need a conversion set as the mountings are different and it doesn't just end there, you'll need a different front grill and a new section for the front valence followed up with some bodywork to plug all the little holes left behind by the old bumper, new front indicators and side lights and a new rear numberplate and some new lighting for it.
thanks for the info m8(y) .I think the problem could be at the
relays because i seem to have a permanent live at pin 87 when surely
permanant live always runs to pin 30?I'm pretty sure that the last owner
did a lot of messing around before so god knows whats going on.guess i'll
just have to work through it.Back on the subject of the bumpers,i understand
a company called c.a.s.c.u manufacture fibre glass replica bumpers which require bracket fabrication.this should not be a problem but are the old type
front grill and lights still available?does anybody really specialise in second hand bits for these cars?I am planning to join the x19 club
but until i do i can't get onto their forums.
If the relays are getting the live ok then it is likely that is where the problem is as you say but it is surprising to find both headlamps failing to respond. I seem to remember that they have a seperate relay for each side.

Some info that may help in your quest for the bumpers:

And for the electrics this may be of some assistance:
(page 2 is the one you want)

Just in case the headlamp diodes have failed (quite common these days):

CASCU are normally your best bet these days for X1/9 parts. Obtaining those hard to find 1300 bits can be quite a job but if anyone has them it will be these guys.
cheers jimbro,very interesting.the more i look at the early bumpers
the more i dislike the newer ones!
You'll learn to like em right after your first accident. I rolled into the back of a Sierra (completely my fault - never allow yourself to get distracted in such situations) in a traffic jam at about 10mph. Damage to my car was two destroyed bumper mountings and a small ding in the nose of the X1/9. The Sierra had it's rear axle pretty much ripped out of its mountings. Without the benefit of those extruded alloy girders it would have been a very different story indeed. They may not look graceful (still much better than the twin rail bumpers on federal spec cars) but they really do work. Also very good at pushing objects out of the way when boxed in...
You'll learn to like em right after your first accident. I rolled into the back of a Sierra (completely my fault - never allow yourself to get distracted in such situations) in a traffic jam at about 10mph. Damage to my car was two destroyed bumper mountings and a small ding in the nose of the X1/9. The Sierra had it's rear axle pretty much ripped out of its mountings. Without the benefit of those extruded alloy girders it would have been a very different story indeed. They may not look graceful (still much better than the twin rail bumpers on federal spec cars) but they really do work. Also very good at pushing objects out of the way when boxed in...

I appreciate them for the damage side, as I have hit a car while parking (I got its tow ball dead centre on my rego plate) and for the ability to push start with them (the back bumper manages to line up perfectly with my paddock bomb, so I could still drive it while the starter was out of action.

All that said, the are FUGLY. But practical.

I might shelve the quarter bumper idea now.I took
the front bumper off yesterday and to be honest
it has been repaired before and isn't really
tidy enough to warrant the aggro.That said,i cut down the mountings
and recessed the bumper.Looks much better.will try to post
a piccy when i have done the rear as well!

My wife's Pontiac Aztek if Fugly. My X1/9 is a classic awaiting widespread appreciation.... it's an acquired taste like caviar..... it's a classic futuristic 70's design.......

But Fugly?!?!

Yeah ugly but practical in as much as
whenever you stop on a trip out you
never need to look for a park bench to sit on!:D