Technical x19 brake master cylinder

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Technical x19 brake master cylinder


New member
Jul 26, 2010
changed the master cylinder absolute bastard of a JOB BROKE ME HEART not much room to do it took out the front seat so it made more room .
any way got it back together have yet to bleed the brakes and clutch thanks be ta jaysus ive a bleeding kit if i knew hoe awkward this job was going to be i would have got my cousin to do it he needs some manners put on him:D
Yes this is a PIA job. I'm by far not an expert on the X1/9 less alone anything, but I've learned 2 things. Replace the Clutch master while your there and don't pump the pedels to bleed anything. Use one of those bleeder jugs that looks like a chemical spayer. The rubber seals inside both masters are not made for dry pumping. I heard from several others that just a few dry pumps can damage a seal. So use the pressure bleeder and bleed both systems.

Just don't use too high a pressure - plenty of examples of the seals failing as a result of that too!

Best option is to make sure the cylinder is primed correctly especially as the second piston can bottom out and get stuck.