Technical Wipers are turned on from the central locking and the buttons for the electric windows!?!?!?!

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Technical Wipers are turned on from the central locking and the buttons for the electric windows!?!?!?!


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Dec 15, 2023

Evening Guys! Help with this problem. I'll describe the magic.

Fiat Panda 169 1.3 multijet 2006. The problem appeared a few days ago but not everytime. After I lock the car with central lock the wipers move 10cm, the rear door motor clicks and only one door locks. I accidentally discovered that even when pressing the buttons for the electric windows, they reactivated the problem. Upon ignition, the wipers run their cycle to the end and stay in the starting position.

What are the circumstances: the old owner had the problem of burning the headlight pin in the socket under the steering wheel on the left, and everything was brought out from the BCMa board with wires and tied with the lamp terminal. After I started to disassemble, when turning off and on the socket to the driver's door, the problem activate again (there is a slight burn on two pins). When the socket is turned off, the problem remains active through the buttons on the electric windows.
At first I thought there was a electric leak and somewhere in the wiring harness the three separate wires ones were transmitting the signal, but now I think that's not the problem, because when I turn on the wipers, the windows and the lock should work too (correct me if I'm wrong). So this leads me to think that the problem may be in the BCM itself and some relay inside it. The other thing is that I checked with multimeter the cables from the buttons on the electric windows with those on the handles at the steering wheel, also with the socket to the door and they have no connection between them...only a purple/black cable, which is on all three sockets, as a mass- .

The dashboard is now removed, I had decided to remove the wiring harness and untangle it all if there was a leak. I found frayed wires before the jack that goes into the electric power steering control and one that goes to the jack for the steering wheel handles.

Well, that's it for now...I'll upload some pictures a little later! I'd love your opinion because I'm running out of steam! :D sorry for the bad english


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Electrics are not my strong point. But when I first started reading your post, I was thinking bad earth's /grounds. However, carrying on reading, the problem could be more in depth. But it wouldn't do any harm to check the basics first. Best of luck with it.
If there's no water in the BSI




The central locking, wipers, windows, also share this point

Although I think a would start by disconnecting the wiring loom from each door and testing first, a short, break in the loom is fairly common


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What are the circumstances: the old owner had the problem of burning the headlight pin in the socket under the steering wheel on the left, and everything was brought out from the BCMa board with wires and tied with the lamp terminal. ws.

Just a note if you haven't found out already.

The burned socket/connector under the steering wheel is a common fault on both the Panda, 500 and Punto models.
The connector controls both (front) headlight and the windows washer pump.

I have repaired/replaced the connector 2 times in 5 years.
(as well as on 3 friends cars :-( )
The connector and wires burn when the engine are under to much load. In my case, it happend when having a large trailer connected to the car.

I suspect the the 2 wires in the middle of the connector are for ground connection and the wires are to thin or the ground connection is to weak (corroded).

A large part of the electric trouble I have had have been due to bad ground connections.
I recommend checking and grinding down all the ground connections in the engine room.
Almost all of them are placed on the right side in the engine room around the battery.
There is a ground connection below the plastic cover for the window wipers. A black box are are placed just above the connection.

The ground for the rear lights are placed behind the rear seat in the driver side. You will need to remove the plasic cover :-(

Good luck
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