Which MES diagnostics for the Fiat 500 | FIAT 500 (2007+) | The FIAT Forum

Technical Which MES diagnostics for the Fiat 500

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Technical Which MES diagnostics for the Fiat 500

Aug 14, 2021
I was looking on eBay for MES diagnostic for the Fiat 500. There are a lot of types, and a lot of unclear information

Does anyone have a link to a known good one for the Fiat 500?
I was looking on eBay for MES diagnostic for the Fiat 500. There are a lot of types, and a lot of unclear information

Does anyone have a link to a known good one for the Fiat 500?
Go to gendan.co.uk This is a totally decent site and there is also a good user forum. I paid about £125 for the software a license and all the wires and connectors and it has been money extremely well spent. It saved money identifying issues for warranty and resets the service indicators as well as being a mine of information. The softwear covers all fiats and lancias and several others as well. Its not quite as detailed as Fiats dealer system but seems not far off.