Technical Which exhausts are good and which are junk?

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Technical Which exhausts are good and which are junk?


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Oct 1, 2015
My exhaust has popped so I need a new one. There are lots about and they get mixed reviews. I want something quiet but that flows well. What would you recommend and what should I avoid?
Following, as mine is blowing and I don't like the 'beancan' sport exhaust that is currently fitted.
My short list has 3 options:

Stock exhaust. With new elbows, gaskets, nuts and bolts £104
Like for Like. Record Monza painted black. New elbows etc. £190
Stainless Record Monza, with curves instead of elbows. £262.

The stock exhaust looked like a bargain when I thought I could keep the old elbows. It will be quiet and probably not not that restrictive.
The Record Monza looks very much like what I've just taken off. It is probably a safe bet.
The stainless exhaust will flow much better, though it might be overkill on a standard 595cc engine. I've heard warnings that they are loud and are prone to fracturing.

Decisions, decisions. What would you choose?
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Why new exhaust elbows? Some of the new ones are very poor quality.
Is it just the one or both? The studs tend to be peened over at the back so tricky to remove. I have probably got a good used one in my spares.
Is it just the one or both? The studs tend to be peened over at the back so tricky to remove. I have probably got a good used one in my spares.
Thanks Toshi. I've persevered with mine and they've cleaned up alright. Despite grinding the back of the studs, they would not come out. The other stud snapped rather than turn. One drilled out OK but the other just took chunks out of my drill bits. I slowly filed it out from 5mm ID to 8mm. It's probably cost me more in drill bits than replacing an elbow, but I've got there in the end.

That's done then. I've ordered a Record Monza exhaust. Hopefully it will get here next week.
That's done then. I've ordered a Record Monza exhaust. Hopefully it will get here next week.
A good way to replace the suds with is to use the special "lop-sided" exhaust bolts that a number of people sell (e.g. Motobambino---p/n EX003D). You may have to fettle 500 exhaust elbows to make them fit, but I personally think that they are a lot better than studs (which have a tendency to---snap off). I will concede tgat are actually designed for 126'elbows', but at the price that a set of 4 styds and nuts are, they might be worth trying.