What do I use to clean a head?

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What do I use to clean a head?

Oct 2, 2003
Cheadle, Staffordshire

Im doing a 1242 conversion on babzs sei but im doing an overhaul on the engine before it goes in which includes the head gasket.

At the moment all ive got the the actual engine lump. eventually babzs 1108 head will be going on the lump but for now I want to concentrate on cleaning up the engine.

I need to clean the surface for the head to attatch to but im not sure what to use. I also need to clean the top of the pistons etc. whats the best thing to use to get all the crap off etc.

i used Gunk engine de-greaser :) and a paintbrush. and did final wash with some petrol.

When cleaning the mating surfaces (block and head) dont, wahtever you do, use a sharp metal instrument as if you put a scratch in it you're in trouble. The block will be more resiliant to scratches compared to the head, but id take just as much care. A plastic scraper should do the trick, just be carefull ;)
Clean carbon out of the combustion chambers with water washable paint stripper, Nitromors works well. Don't use it on the pistons, they shouldn't really need c;leaning and if they are cruddy the engine is probably burning oil.
Don't use petrol, it's highly dangerous to use for cleaning. The fumes are extremely explosive and heavier than air. If it explodes it does incredible damage.

Water is fine to wash off a head with. Use a water soluble degreaser, paint stripper like I said before for heavy deposits. Frankly though I'd take it to a machine shop and get them to stick it in their washer.
