Weekend washing..

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Weekend washing..

Jul 8, 2005
on the A684
How do you take on the task of washing your estate?

Soooo much car to clean! Reaching over the roofbars to the centre of the roof can be awkward too! Did mine last night and still managed to miss some spots on the front bumper as it was getting dark. Had the wheels off though so gave the arches a thorough cleaning... yucky road salt.

I could see a film of road junk developing on the windscreen this morning.. not impressed.

Anyway opinions please from Marea Weekend, Stilo MW or Tempra SW owners!
when I have to clean my estate (company car) the only way of doing the roof is on a small set of steps and even thats not ideal as you can easily lose balance and tip.

Always start with the hardest parts and give them a little while to soak in the suds to losen a bit (bumper, bonnet & tailgate) and then a good blast from the pressure washer...don't get too close mind else you'll take the paint off (not that I've ever done that...cough mums corsa cough ;))

If the roof proves difficult I have in the past moved the car out into the street and used the kerb for that extra few inches of reach. Does mean turning the car halfway through.

Best to buy a brush attachment for the jet washer me thinks.;)
I was washing mine in the back alley - it's got quite a camber on it meaning if you stand 1ft away from the car you seem already an inch lower than it!

Indeed mine looked clean - until on the drive to work I could see the filth building up on the windscreen, knowing that it would be all over the wing mirrors and the nose.
Best to buy a brush attachment for the jet washer me thinks.;)

No not a nasty brush to touch your nice car! Pressure washer yes, not nasty brush!

My ritual,

Quick Blast down
Soapy Suds for 5min
Quick Blast down

Then 2 bucket treatment with haity mitts etc and microfibre sponges. With brushes for alloys.

And clean water rinsed over after every pannel.

Then dry

Then wax.

Then Buff

Then Wax front half, bonnet etc

Then Buff

Then Nice big beer! :devil:

Normally doing 2 cars, so takes me a while... lol
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I'm only 5'9" ( is this legal in metric Britain?) and have no probs with the roof on the Marea w/e. Other than it spoils the clean car effect getting dirty again just happens but if you wash it nearly every week the shine will still be there.
You could just wear an old jumper and polish the side at the same time as the roof by leaning right up against the car and moving about a lot ;)

I've seen some girls at shows do this, but they must have very fne hairs on their body, as they usually dont wear much and alot of the time arent very professional, and end up getting soap suds all over them :rolleyes:

Why not let James crawl on top of the marea with a sponge? I'm sure he'll love it :p