Technical Violent jerking/shuddering when accelerating

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Technical Violent jerking/shuddering when accelerating

May 27, 2013
Conwy, North Wales
Hi, ive tried reading other similar posts about this issue but theres not a clear solution. Basically my car has started to violently jerk, jump and shudder at pull away speed in first gear. I thought it did it when it was just cold on first start up but the other day it did it all day when it was warm. The last couple of days its been really violent with it forcing me to dip the clutch further in to avoid it from stalling!

So I was just wondering if any one could help with this? My car is a 1.2 8v 2001.

Ok, and yes the shuddering does continue once gears are engaged. Sorry if this is basic but how do you go about testing the leads, etc?

Also just now I have used the diagnostic software and it has detected a misfire in cylinder 3, what should be done now?
you give it a proper upper engine service of consummable parts and hope you havent blown the ecu
is the first thing to do
assuming its not been serviced since it was built?
I was also just wondering if this could have anything to do with the cat? I'm thinking this because MES brought up the code P0420 yesterday saying catalyser 1

Also the last couple of days there has been a strange, well all I can say is a sort of burning, eggy smell

Could anyone shed some light on this?