Vinyl care?

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Vinyl care?

I use Autoglym vinyl and rubber care for the majority of my vinyl. On the parts where I want the shine to stay longer I use the Autoglym bumpercare.

Both will clean the vinyl to a degree but won't remove ingrained deep dirt. For that a toothbrush and good old soap and water will do the job first.
You need a good vehicle interior cleaner or apc(all purpose cleaner)

What product did you give it a pre wash with ?
Autoglym vinyl & rubber care is silicone based and it doesn't have any UV protection.

UV will eventually dry and crack plastic trim, this is why its best to use a water based product with carnauba added for protection against this.
Autoglym vinyl & rubber care is silicone based and it doesn't have any UV protection.

UV will eventually dry and crack plastic trim, this is why its best to use a water based product with carnauba added for protection against this.

I've only so far used lemon cleaner - the sort you use to clean your kitchen work top. I like the sound of UV protection. Do you know of any good brands? I really don't want them to crack. There the best part of 30 years old already and have probably not been looked after in all that time. They came out of a polish import that was sitting in a garden for years with the window open! :eek:

They've faired the years pretty well tbh
Ok I gave it a whirl and it's awesome stuff! The seats came out wonderfully clean and shiny and with a lovely lemon scent too! Given how bad they looked a week ago I'm amazed they came out so well. Highly recommended stuff say I (y)

I use Autoglym Vinyl & Rubber care on my dash and internal plastics every now and then but it can get quite greasy as I think its silicone based?

Just a tip that I find helpful. Once I've dried the car with a micro fibre drying towel I then use the damp towel to wipe across all areas where I've applied the Vinyl & Rubber care. This removes any surface dust build up. The problem is that this stuff lasts ages on surfaces which is good. But if you keep applying more and more dust gets trapped in it and this can make it look greasy and not very clean. A quick wipe with a damp cloth before the next application really helps in my experience with the product.