Well this is certainly long overdue! But I finally sat my arse down to make a thread for the car i've already owned for 2 months. It's a red cinquecento sporting, 1998, with 89K on the clock (Now 94K).
After what happened to my black car, I was in desperate need of some transportation for work and play. I flat-out refused to buy some boring corsa or fiesta when, clearly, that would have been the more sensible option given the circumstances. After recovery costs tore my arm and leg off, I managed to scrape together £300, which normally wouldn't buy a half decent cinq, but I lucked out really
After a "For Sale" post came up on Facebook, displaying a bright red 1242cc cinquecento within my price range, I contacted the owner. Before I knew it, i was trekking over 200 miles to collect a car I knew very little about, but I was very excited nonetheless!
After 2 weeks of driving my dads Santa-Fe, driving a cinq again felt like an absolute revelation, I couldn't believe how much I missed it!
The interior was a mess, the exhaust is RIDICULOUSLY loud, and it had a few niggles, but I didn't care, I had a cinq again!
Wierdly, I think the sei wheels suit it!
Anyway, since then it's basically just been a hard-used daily, i've racked up nearly 5K since I bought it in late november, and it hasn't let me down once. It's fitted with a P60 lump, 40mm throttle body and a pretty rubbish induction kit. Punto coilovers (that don't really fit) on the front and eBay shocks and spring on the back.
All i've down is chucked in some new mats, fitted the suede steering wheel and boss from the black car, fitted loads of standard interior plastics (as the old ones were hacked and painted badly). Oh, and some lovely Abarth skirts.
The plan is to save for another car for daily duty, then begin work turning this into a track car.
But that's a story for another day!
PS. check out the positive camber on the N/S/F wheel, I told you the coilies don't fit properly!
After what happened to my black car, I was in desperate need of some transportation for work and play. I flat-out refused to buy some boring corsa or fiesta when, clearly, that would have been the more sensible option given the circumstances. After recovery costs tore my arm and leg off, I managed to scrape together £300, which normally wouldn't buy a half decent cinq, but I lucked out really
After a "For Sale" post came up on Facebook, displaying a bright red 1242cc cinquecento within my price range, I contacted the owner. Before I knew it, i was trekking over 200 miles to collect a car I knew very little about, but I was very excited nonetheless!
The interior was a mess, the exhaust is RIDICULOUSLY loud, and it had a few niggles, but I didn't care, I had a cinq again!
Wierdly, I think the sei wheels suit it!
Anyway, since then it's basically just been a hard-used daily, i've racked up nearly 5K since I bought it in late november, and it hasn't let me down once. It's fitted with a P60 lump, 40mm throttle body and a pretty rubbish induction kit. Punto coilovers (that don't really fit) on the front and eBay shocks and spring on the back.
All i've down is chucked in some new mats, fitted the suede steering wheel and boss from the black car, fitted loads of standard interior plastics (as the old ones were hacked and painted badly). Oh, and some lovely Abarth skirts.

The plan is to save for another car for daily duty, then begin work turning this into a track car.
But that's a story for another day!
PS. check out the positive camber on the N/S/F wheel, I told you the coilies don't fit properly!