Technical Turbo whining

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Technical Turbo whining


Established member
May 20, 2003
United Kingdom.
Hi,my punto multijet started to whine as the turbo cuts in and as i let my foot of the throttle,i have noticed no change in performance.The problem only started today,if is the turbo any ideal of the price for a new one.Hope some can help
Thanks Shaun
Hi mate,

Before you panic too much, are you sure its from the turbo? and not alternator, tensioner, gearbox? also have you checked for leaks in the pipes from turbo to intercooler/ intercooler to manifold. As a split in there can also create "whining" type noises.
Have you also checked your oil level?
Have you noticed any smoke under boost from the exhaust?

If you wanted to you could pop of the intake pipe to the turbo and have a feel for any play in the bearings (engine off of course!)

[ame=""]1.3 Multijet Turbo Charger Whistle Sound[/ame] It is not my car but exactly the same noise. .If there were pipies split would i notice that in the performance, also it is coming from the front of the engine,i had a friend put the car in gear with the handbrake on and rev it.
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Thanks Alan, as you can hear from the video it is more of a whistle than a whine i have not noticed any smoke from the exhaust under load.The oil leval was ok but i was on my way down my mates to do a oil change when the noise started.Could there be a problem with a pipe split etc but still drive fine ? as i said before with the radio turned up you would not know i had a problem.
I have contacted through a friend at Fiat in Chippenham about the problem he has changed 4or5 turbos which customers have complained about and has found no problems with the turbos, bar they all had a bent fin causing the noise.He also said that there is no wearing to the shaft on any of them
I have been driving the for about a week with no other problems until this morning when the engine light came on.With the x341 launch we have at work it came up with the error code 0106 (2,3,1,6).Can anyone help with what the code relates to
Thanks Shaun.
i have found what the code means

Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit Range/Performance Problem

But that still means nothing to me or where to find it
Hi mate,

Yes that code is correct. The MAP sensor is on the inlet manifold at the rear of the engine. You need to remove the air-box to get at it. HOWEVER, the DTC is basically saying that the readings are out of range/ unexpected. The MAP sensor basically measures the pressure in the inlet manifold..... ie in the case of a car with a turbo, the amount of boost being produced, and then the ECU adjusts fueling etc accordingly. The ECU has set perameters (max/min) for boost, and all to some extents predics what levels it should be producing. If the measurements go outside of the set perameters/predictions, you will get the flagged code you have got.

It MAY be that the sensor itself is faulty, but given the problem with your turbo, I would suggest that its more likely that the turbo isnt performing as it should be, and the boost eing produced is more/less than that the ECU is expecting. Live data will give you more of a clue to this though.

Hope that helps,
Thanks a1ant, as the car seems to perform ok i did not think it was the sensor at fault.I am going to take the turbo off the weekend and check everything is ok.Is there anything to look out for.I may be able to get a spare turbo off a friend to try and see if that makes any difference.Can i take the sensor out and clean it.

i checked the turbo fins yesterday and one is bent which is causing the noise. I also found the metal pipe which comes from the air pipe to the turbo and goes to the egr valve was clogged up with sludge,i have clean it out as much as i can, would that cause the engine light to come on through the error code i am getting.I am going to buy a turbo because i dont want it breaking up and causing all kind of damage to the engine.If i take it to a fiat dealer will they do anymore checks than i have already done

Hope someone can help
