Technical Stupid sound systems and alternators..

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Technical Stupid sound systems and alternators..


New member
Nov 18, 2014
So i have what is best described as a stupid sound system in my 750L (1990)

Occasionally, and usually when something else is switched (indicators, wipers) all the electrics will "reset" with a loud speaker bump.

All my wiring is fine as far as i can tell - i suspect power is probably the problem.. so:

do you agree?
is changing the alternator the solution?
if so, what do i get?

This is a recent phenomenon for what it's worth, worked for many months with no issue

Ok, i can give that a better go - have cleaned them before but not to the extent of replacing the spades (just filed up a bit) which is maybe not adequate..
Also worth checking is the negative battery lead as this causes numerous earthing issues - the rub through where they drop down the bulk head. Failing that check to see if you have a sub-standard engine block or alternator earth strap installed. After all this I'd be 99% sure it's your alternator.
start the car up and switch everything on. get a volt meter and test your battery connectors. hold the engine at a higher RPM and check the voltage reading. it should be about 13.8 to 14.4 volts and remain constant. if it fluctuates or is reading under it would indicate an alternator failure.

you can replace with a standard 45 amp alternator or you can also put a punto alternator on it which range from 60 amps to 95! (the more the better!) you will however have to swap over the alternator belt and cam pulley to the one from off a punto. (the multi V belt is far better than the older single V belt.. they never slip for one!) you would also have to change the crimp on ring/eye connectors on the cables that connect the alternator to the car.

ive done this on my car and it made a big difference :D but then i am pushing 690 watts of light output. (thats not including other things like the radio, ignition system, wipers, blower fans and lets not forget the 94.38 Watts worth of "side lights" load)
in amps that works out at 56.839 Amps at 13.8v and thats just for the lights alone! :D

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Thanks guys, i'm a rank amateur when it comes to anything electrical so this is a great help - will get on it.