Technical Stupid electrical fault!!

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Technical Stupid electrical fault!!


Aug 21, 2011
Right I know these things are Italian who seemed to frequently use Pasta instead of wire back in the eighties and nineties, but we have the most infuriating electrical fault and I'm running out of ideas now.

Get this then.... dipped headlights won't come on when you switch them on, until you touch the brake pedal, then they will come on!. Depending on the state of the moon they will go back off if you lift of the brake, but if they decide to stay on, they more than likely will go back off when you brake again!.

OK my first thought would be an earth problem, but I actually found the problem is on the live side of the wiring, yet as far as I can see there is no electrical link between the brake lights and the dip beam. I have a had a really good look at the area around the back of the brake pedal, but it doesn't look like anything is physically contacting when the brake is pressed.

I'm totaly stumped now:(
Have you checked the main battery earth under the heater box? Can be tricky to spot but just follow the negative lead from the battery. The lug can break and can cause all sorts of funny things to happen.

The only link I can think of between the headlights and brakelights are the taillights but then it would affect the sidelights aswell.
Have you checked the main battery earth under the heater box? Can be tricky to spot but just follow the negative lead from the battery. The lug can break and can cause all sorts of funny things to happen.

The only link I can think of between the headlights and brakelights are the taillights but then it would affect the sidelights aswell.

Ok will have a look, the Wipers have a mind of their own too, I suspect that's a bad earth