Technical Strange Brake pad wear advice

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Technical Strange Brake pad wear advice


Nov 21, 2015
Abarth 2013 595 Turismo. Mileage 31000.

Just changed rear brake discs and pads due to metal to metal sound! Nightmare ref Allen bolts!
Pads totally worn down to metal !
(I had ignored the worn brake indicator as MOT advised pads were ok for the little mileage I currently do ie 4500/year).

Decided to change front discs and pads as Mot for the last 2-3 years had indicated corroded discs but pads ok!

However when inspecting the front pads there is hardly any wear?
Im totally baffled as to why the rear Pads were basically shot but the front showing little wear!

Both front & rear discs & pads were the original kit from new.

My brakes have always been poor in my opinion ever since the car was new! ie when I drive my wife's fiat 500 1.3 diesel the brakes are very effective compared to the Abarth?

I am currently in the process of changing the front discs & pads. Currently working on the front passenger side.

Piston was hardly protruding, after 31000 miles but did move when brake pedal depressed. I was also able to retract the piston 1/4 inch after depressing the pedal, so doesn't appear seized.
Pads guides did seem a little dry.
Caliper slider pins appear lubricated.

Any advice would be very much appreciated!