
Cinquecento Sporting F14T OG

Grey P reg Cinquecento Sporting


Brought in 2023 lovingly restored by former keeper who dubbed him Mario.
Putting my twist on with Reg, Decals, etc.. also done an impressive 121,000 Miles
I have 2 cinqs, had three (one for parts). The donor supplied a full interior including seats as my basic s one had a rip in the driver seat. However as a spares car it was useless as everything I wanted was as bad on the donor as the other cars. Remarkably someone else offered to take the donor off me and restore it as it was an unusual yellow/greeney colour and it is back on the road. The wife is happier as she has some garden left ☺️
They are getting rarer as far as I see and 7 years ago the odd one would be in scrap yards for bits. These days no yards I know have any cinqs or seicentos. The seicento also shares lots of bits with the cinq if you need anything.
I have 2 cinqs, had three (one for parts). The donor supplied a full interior including seats as my basic s one had a rip in the driver seat. However as a spares car it was useless as everything I wanted was as bad on the donor as the other cars. Remarkably someone else offered to take the donor off me and restore it as it was an unusual yellow/greeney colour and it is back on the road. The wife is happier as she has some garden left ☺️
They are getting rarer as far as I see and 7 years ago the odd one would be in scrap yards for bits. These days no yards I know have any cinqs or seicentos. The seicento also shares lots of bits with the cinq if you need anything.
Thanks for the advice Terry ill keep an eye out for seicento bits (y) 12 years ago i could go to any scrap yard a kid and get parts i remember climbing a stack at a scrap yard and taking an entire abarth body kit of a cinq that was under a saxo 3 cars high!!! (only £100 aswell!)

don't think I've ever seen that colour your describing very interesting and nice to know someone's trying to keep it alive!

how long have you had your 2 cinqs? just looked on your profile is one a sporting and the other a S?
I've had both 7 years now. The s cost me €390 and the sporting €900. The sporting cropped up unexpected and I grabbed it. Currently is has an overheating issue 🙄 most likely the head gasket. Never really bonded with it and if someone wants it, I'll flog it. The s is such an honest simple car with electric nothing. I've done about 20k miles in it and it always brings a smile to my face. Kids laugh at me in it but I couldn't care less 😁
I had an uno when the s was launched and I always wanted one, so many years later I got mine as a hobby to tinker with, I'm 55 now so maybe it was a mid life crisis 😄 I have always worked on my own cars and the odd neighbours as well because I was skint and I don't like paying others for anything I can do, to be honest some garages just bullshit you, they are also guessing by throwing parts at cars and you'd be shocked at how they treat your car. My dad was very handy generally and I took after him. People are getting so reliant on others to do everything for them and it's sad really because they just chuck things rather than fix them and then moan that they are skint....
Sorry this turned into a bit of a novel ☺️
I've had both 7 years now. The s cost me €390 and the sporting €900. The sporting cropped up unexpected and I grabbed it. Currently is has an overheating issue 🙄 most likely the head gasket. Never really bonded with it and if someone wants it, I'll flog it. The s is such an honest simple car with electric nothing. I've done about 20k miles in it and it always brings a smile to my face. Kids laugh at me in it but I couldn't care less 😁
I had an uno when the s was launched and I always wanted one, so many years later I got mine as a hobby to tinker with, I'm 55 now so maybe it was a mid life crisis 😄 I have always worked on my own cars and the odd neighbours as well because I was skint and I don't like paying others for anything I can do, to be honest some garages just bullshit you, they are also guessing by throwing parts at cars and you'd be shocked at how they treat your car. My dad was very handy generally and I took after him. People are getting so reliant on others to do everything for them and it's sad really because they just chuck things rather than fix them and then moan that they are skint....
Sorry this turned into a bit of a novel ☺️
I know what you mean about the S its just a simple fun car not much to go wrong. I just find driving a Cinq just puts a massive smile on your face doesn't it!
Its my plan to get more familiar with the car and I want to be able to service it myself I have a practical background (home renovation) but I'm not very confident with mechanics. I'm sure I can fall on the forum for help when needed though.
I do like an Uno! my fiat history is cinq-cinq-cinq-punto-stilo-(current)cinq with many other cars that followed the Stilo I'm 31 and very good at buying absolute nails..... hoping this one breaks the chain!
There's a few videos on cinquecentos on YouTube so you'll be fine. I've done the radiator, track rods lower arms clutch and exhaust. Also took off the throttle body and cleaned it, waste of time as it was a faulty map sensor 🙄 the only thing is you need small hands as it's a very small car. Watch out for rust mainly around the back end. I've new brakes on the back as the cylinders can leak. Bought the kit to replace the brake lines and that is interesting when you figure it out. I use copper pipes as its easy to bend etc.
Lots of advice on this forum, just remember there are many ways to get a job done and your way isn't necessarily wrong...
There's a few videos on cinquecentos on YouTube so you'll be fine. I've done the radiator, track rods lower arms clutch and exhaust. Also took off the throttle body and cleaned it, waste of time as it was a faulty map sensor 🙄 the only thing is you need small hands as it's a very small car. Watch out for rust mainly around the back end. I've new brakes on the back as the cylinders can leak. Bought the kit to replace the brake lines and that is interesting when you figure it out. I use copper pipes as its easy to bend etc.
Lots of advice on this forum, just remember there are many ways to get a job done and your way isn't necessarily wrong...
Love the advice Terry! gives me some confidence to have a go! hopefully keep this beast on the road for many years to come the goal is to make it to Historic status roll on 2036! 12 years to go!