I've had both 7 years now. The s cost me €390 and the sporting €900. The sporting cropped up unexpected and I grabbed it. Currently is has an overheating issue

most likely the head gasket. Never really bonded with it and if someone wants it, I'll flog it. The s is such an honest simple car with electric nothing. I've done about 20k miles in it and it always brings a smile to my face. Kids laugh at me in it but I couldn't care less

I had an uno when the s was launched and I always wanted one, so many years later I got mine as a hobby to tinker with, I'm 55 now so maybe it was a mid life crisis

I have always worked on my own cars and the odd neighbours as well because I was skint and I don't like paying others for anything I can do, to be honest some garages just bullshit you, they are also guessing by throwing parts at cars and you'd be shocked at how they treat your car. My dad was very handy generally and I took after him. People are getting so reliant on others to do everything for them and it's sad really because they just chuck things rather than fix them and then moan that they are skint....
Sorry this turned into a bit of a novel