So fed up lately and no interest in anything

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So fed up lately and no interest in anything

Nov 23, 2011
Didnt know where to put this so here will do unless a mod moves it.

...And the slightest little thing pisses me off now :bang:

Even going to the lads house for a bit of banter and 20 mins later im thinking to myself, why the **** did i even come over.

I just cant be bothered doing anything anymore either, no interest in anything :/

and not having a job just makes things worse, especially every tuesday going to collect the €100 off the social welfare, they expect me to live on 100 a week :bang:

Just sick of everything now (n)

Any tips to get me out of this mood?

Sounds like you're depressed, it also sounds like its all to do with your situation....

I would suggest as a start, maybe do some exercise go running, get a decent sleep pattern and that will help. The exercise should give you some energy if you keep it up and release things that make you feel a bit better.

Job wise, try and find something anything part time or otherwise, if you don't want to try and live on what is given to you by the state.

Little things **** you off as you are agitated and annoyed, exercise should help this slightly as well, energy into something else instead.

Few other things maybe, but I am at work and cannot type for ages!
I think TallTom is dead on. As someone who has to cope with being alone at home, most days (I'm disabled, after being on the receiving end of three bad road traffic accidents), I would say there are three key issues to getting through this:

  1. Filling your day with as much activity -- mental and physical -- as possible: but make sure it's something you enjoy.
  2. Trying to develop some sort of routine (that doesn't, if possible, involve sitting in front of the telly, or staying in bed, for too long... -- unless, of course, that encompasses a little of number 1, above...).
  3. Talking to someone about it. If you have a good GP, start there....
Also: try here and here for some sensible advice.

Hope this helps....
Sounds like you're depressed, it also sounds like its all to do with your situation....

I would suggest as a start, maybe do some exercise go running, get a decent sleep pattern and that will help. The exercise should give you some energy if you keep it up and release things that make you feel a bit better.

Job wise, try and find something anything part time or otherwise, if you don't want to try and live on what is given to you by the state.

Little things **** you off as you are agitated and annoyed, exercise should help this slightly as well, energy into something else instead.

Few other things maybe, but I am at work and cannot type for ages!

I think TallTom is dead on. As someone who has to cope with being alone at home, most days (I'm disabled, after being on the receiving end of three bad road traffic accidents), I would say there are three key issues to getting through this:

  1. Filling your day with as much activity -- mental and physical -- as possible: but make sure it's something you enjoy.
  2. Trying to develop some sort of routine (that doesn't, if possible, involve sitting in front of the telly, or staying in bed, for too long... -- unless, of course, that encompasses a little of number 1, above...).
  3. Talking to someone about it. If you have a good GP, start there....
Also: try here and here for some sensible advice.

Hope this helps....

Thanks for replies, didnt think id get any to a thread like this :confused:

I, myself dont think im depressed cause i dont feel like doing away with my self and dont think the whole world is against me :confused:

As for the exercise, I will do that, starting today (y)
will dome good to get for an hour or too, on my own where noone can annoy me.

As for trying to look for a job, only the other week i went handing around cv's, out of about 20 places i visited, ONE and only ONE took a cv, most places just told me 'we wont accept the cv as we wont need it' :bang::mad: now if thats not a kick to the gut and make ya lose hope of finding a job, then i dont know what is.
I think TallTom and homeward have hit the nail on the head.

the problem is if you are down and not at your best and looking for a job you don't present your self at your best so employers aren't interested, Exercise will help you far more than pills or potions you'll soon start to feel a better which will help when approaching employers and having any form of exercise on your CV or application forms will show employers that you look after yourself
Thanks for replies, didnt think id get any to a thread like this :confused:

I, myself dont think im depressed cause i dont feel like doing away with my self and dont think the whole world is against me :confused:

As for the exercise, I will do that, starting today (y)
will dome good to get for an hour or too, on my own where noone can annoy me.

As for trying to look for a job, only the other week i went handing around cv's, out of about 20 places i visited, ONE and only ONE took a cv, most places just told me 'we wont accept the cv as we wont need it' :bang::mad: now if thats not a kick to the gut and make ya lose hope of finding a job, then i dont know what is.

Hey fella, we all get depressed from time to time and most people dont get suicidal, thats way beyond being depressed that damn crazy and if you get that low go get some pills off the doc ;)

I agree with the get any job theory, I used to work in recruitment and from my experience people dont employ people who need jobs, strange I know but its the way it is. I bet if you get a little job, another better job will come along very soon. Its also about your social network, the more people you meet, the more people will think "hey he seems like a good bloke, come and work for me" or hey I know someone who is looking for .............

So the hand out CV bit is a bit of a downer as you will get rejected almost all of the time. Let me know what you do and I will try to see if I have any ideas
Thanks for replies, didnt think id get any to a thread like this :confused:

I, myself dont think im depressed cause i dont feel like doing away with my self and dont think the whole world is against me :confused:

As for the exercise, I will do that, starting today (y)
will dome good to get for an hour or too, on my own where noone can annoy me.

As for trying to look for a job, only the other week i went handing around cv's, out of about 20 places i visited, ONE and only ONE took a cv, most places just told me 'we wont accept the cv as we wont need it' :bang::mad: now if thats not a kick to the gut and make ya lose hope of finding a job, then i dont know what is.

"where noone can annoy me....."

Why is everyone annoying you?

The thing is, you are not "depressed" as in manic depressant and want to kill myself side, but everything you say points to you not being happy with things, down on life, no job, don't like being around people (even those who are your friends) etc.

That is life with jobs, I have been very lucky but there are multiple times where I have found that its very difficult to get a job, even with the correct qualifications.

You will need to find an industry that wants employees for them to throw jobs at you. Also have you had anyone else read your CV before you start handing it out?

Agencies, etc, those can help with jobs :) give them your CV once, and they find work or something for you to do, less chance of the losing hope, or feeling worthless as they will be the ones that get the "rejected" feedback, and they will pass you opportunities that might suit you and your skills etc. They can also help you with CV writing and realise how to write it for different roles.

I will also give you this bit of advice, they are your friends, therefore you should be able to talk to them or parents about stuff!

Try and figure out slightly what is annoying you or bringing you down and then try and do something to affect that, or accept it is how it is going to be unless you change it!
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I, myself dont think im depressed cause i dont feel like doing away with my self and dont think the whole world is against me :confused:

that comes when untreated depression turns into some thing more serious.

sign up for some voluntary work, its rewarding gives self worth and looks better than a blank gap on a cv
What can you do, job wise? Is it worth filling your day with retraining / learning? There are a lot of online resources you could make use of. Would have the two fold effect of (possibly) making your more attractive to employers and also occupying you during the day.
Cheers for all the replies

the cv i has was made by the local recruitment agency so its all up to date and looks good, compared to my useless effort of one lol

Ive been looking at courses to do also but none of them i like, they are all computer based, I done an ECDL course before and it bored the life out of me because anything i did do before was always outside so i hate being stuck in behind a desk.

Job wise, I am a fully qualified horse instructor/teacher and rider. No jobs with that either as noone has the money to keep a good riding school open and pay for proper instructors. and with that i have child protection in sport, manual handling, all horse exams passed

I also have a full tractor licence, forklifts licence and no farm work or warehouse work either.

The thing i find hardest is when i do find a job that im interested in, they always want min. 2years experience which i wouldnt have in the likes of a warehouse.

As for all of your advice on exercise, I took the dog and went for a long walk from one end of a beach to the other. Felt good to be out with noone around, nothing to worry about, the dog loved it too lol.

Thanks for all the advice lads, really appreciate it.
I'm on my phone: so not much of a reply, I'm afraid.... Just to say that I appreciate where you're coming from. I live in the middle of the countryside; and it's obvious, nowadays, that the rural economy is in tatters.... Our local stables closed a couple of years ago; and our neighbour's son -- who has qualifications from the local agricultural college -- never gets offered anything other than temporary work....

If you have something like the National Trust, or English Heritage, where you are -- i.e. a large, charity- or government-based landowner... -- they may have volunteering opportunities that could lead to something more permanent. Just check to make sure how much of such unpaid work you can do without it affecting your benefits....

Good luck....
Jamie MK2: Just wondered how you were doing...? :confused:

PM me, if you don't want to reply publicly.... :cool:

Ah its cool i'll post here (y)

Yep, things are finally starting to pick up again since i posted this.

Joined a local job club that meets every wednesday morning from 9:30 to 12:30 (y)
through them i've realised i've alot more skills and qualifications than i thought when looking at them on paper.

I might have bagged myself a part time job too, 10 hour week, 2 hours a day delivering Betaware catalogues and picking them up and delivering the goods.
Have a meeting/trial on Saturday morning with the area manager for betaware (y)

and then Saturday week, 2nd march there is a new hotel open just up the road from me and there looking for bar staff and that so im going to go along and have a chat and see f i can get anything from them.

So yea, alls finally getting back to normal, with the help of you guys too (y)
I might have bagged myself a part time job too, 10 hour week, 2 hours a day delivering Betaware catalogues and picking them up and delivering the goods. Have a meeting/trial on Saturday morning with the area manager for betaware (y)

and then Saturday week, 2nd march there is a new hotel open just up the road from me and there looking for bar staff and that so im going to go along and have a chat and see f i can get anything from them.

I've got to say how impressed I am at your attitude. This is wonderful.... Good luck... -- let us know how you get on.... (y)
I've only just seen this thread, and it did seem that you were on a downward spiral into depression as others have said.

This new-found positive attitude could very well be the thing that turns gets you back on the up. It's not easy to pick yourself up and dust yourself down when you're feeling as low as you have been, so you should feel proud of yourself, and next time things don't work out for you as well as you'd hoped, just remember how much better things can seem with a bit of positive thinking.

Well done fella. Keep up the good work (y)
I've got to say how impressed I am at your attitude. This is wonderful.... Good luck... -- let us know how you get on.... (y)

Thanks mate, will keep this updated if i get any work (y) already got an email off the job group telling me theres a job in a horse sales place just up the road from me, best thing is, they know people already working there so could have a good shot at that too (y)

I've only just seen this thread, and it did seem that you were on a downward spiral into depression as others have said.

This new-found positive attitude could very well be the thing that turns gets you back on the up. It's not easy to pick yourself up and dust yourself down when you're feeling as low as you have been, so you should feel proud of yourself, and next time things don't work out for you as well as you'd hoped, just remember how much better things can seem with a bit of positive thinking.

Well done fella. Keep up the good work (y)

Thanks mate (y)

Good good,

Still running, that will continue to perk you up. then again will be doing a lot of walking with that betaware job I think

Well not running but still bringing the dog down to the beach every evening, and yea no doubt there'll be a lot of walking involved if i get the job :p

A short break away may do you wonders. I know money will be tight out of work but a couple of nights in a B&B doesn't cost the earth :).

Ah i'd love to get away but even every bit of money i have im saving to get back onto bikes, not cheap either, just found out i've to do IBT even though ive had the licence since im 16 :bang:
Im in a similar boat but its more a habit now than anything, it's driving me mad.

Basically, I had a bad patch but its after that's gone this has started.

After everything I say to someone, even the smallest thing, anything at all. I keep looking into it e.g. how come he only said that to me and not them, what have I done different. Or if I say something to someone I'm constantly f***** analysing what I've just said and if it pissed them off or something, even though I know it hasn't.

It sounds small but this is literally everything and can sometimes cause me to not listen to what someone is saying whilst I think about it, even though I don't want to think about it!!

I was similar to you OP, but now im out of that it's this.

Anyone know what I mean?