General Sei Advice

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General Sei Advice

Apr 30, 2002
Just brought a sei sporting, and i'm just wondering what I need to look out for????? I know i've done this the wrong way round buying then asking for advice!!!!


Looks Good, Drives Sh!t.
u can get 18" alloys on the sei !!!!!

Good luck if u decide to !!

Good choice Gaz! What you got - the 899 or sporting?

Look for the same things as a Cinq - they are essentially the same car. Handbrakes seize up, head gaskets can go, shockers and rear wishbone bushes too and the obvious bits - look for any signs of crash damage.The main things to look out for and avoid are noisy tappets on the 899cc (loud ticking noises from the top of the engine), blown head gaskets on both the 899 and 1108cc Sportings, cam belt changes on the 1108, crash damage, and a service history is always nice.
It's really rather important that you get the red key with the car, (unless you've got the post 2000 one, this uses a different system with no red / blue keys). This is the master key for the immobiliser and should be kept in a safe place, and the 2 blue ones should be used for day to day use. If you lose the blue keys and don't have the red one, it's big bucks to fix.

Service it yourself to keep costs down, or use somewhere like National to do oil changes for you (they can do you Hypergrade and a filter for less than you can buy the bits yourself...)
Mainly it's just plugs, air and fuel filters, and cambelts for the routine stuff. Be aware that 1108's are supposed to have the valve clearances checked every 36k miles, and they are adjusted by changing shims - this isn't really a job for a novice.

Then drop a Punto engine in it ;)

Cinq sporting 1242cc
Thanks for replying:D

Its the sporting model, and the previous owner has looked after quite well, theres a few problems with it,m but nothing major and the garage have said they will sort them for me.

There is something wrong with the handbrake, it is very slack, as if you pulling up nothing but that is also getting sorted.

When I first took it for a test drive there was this weird and wonderful noise coming from the engine, I've heard this noise before, but just couldn't think where, I soon realised that it was the air filter, there wasn't one[V], thats getting sorted as well.

At the garage I made a real fuss about this red key, there wasn't one, but 4 spares, but as you say with post 2000 models (V reg), it doesn't need a red key.

Punto engine, I wish:p:p:p

I got a quote for a Citroen AX 1.4gti, CIS's computer crashed[:0][:0][:0]



Looks Good, Drives Sh!t.
I can't drive it yet I need to wait till 5 days before end off the month (save on tax).

It's bright yellow with blue bits dotted around on it, I got some ideas for it already, another thing I need to know theres window guides on the door for the windows to go into can u take them off[?][?][?]


Looks Good, Drives Sh!t.
Should of kept the blue bits, I been shopping for her today, brought some yellow car mats, also going to fit an alarm, stop some little bastard breaking her[:(!][:(!][:(!]

I've missed loads of the chat sessions, so have I missed much:p:p:p


Looks Good, Drives Sh!t.
every1 has said i should have kept the blue bits but my babysei likes to be different!!! not much missed in the chat rooms so far...although we were talking bout porn and w**king last nite....

The One & only xxx
Everyone is different I suppose:D:D:D

The back of my sei has been flushed and the sporting sign sprayed silver and stuck in the middle under the lock, i'm not sure if I like this yet, just wait and see:p:p:p

I've decided to concentrate on my ICE at the moment get that sorted, I got most of the stuff off my Uno so just need to swap it over


Looks Good, Drives Sh!t.
i would really like to get mine de-locked as the little bastards keep chiselling at my locks whenever they get chance....fooking pisses me rite off....its an expensive game !!!!

The One & only xxx
There should be something available that gives them an electric shock, if they touch the locks, that would teach the little twats!!!!!!


Looks Good, Drives Sh!t.
How about the south african device which shoots a huge flame up from the bottom of the car toward the spotty herbert who's trying to get in?

Cinq sporting 1242cc
nah leave out the delocking, i was gonna get mine done, but im glad i didn't. the alarm packed up on new year and locked me out! only the use of the key in the lock (had almost been a year since i used it) saved the day.... of course, the f**king alarm was going off down the a3, but hey, at least i got home ok!


bravo 1.6sx
momo twin 17" alloys
k&n 57i induction
toad mp4 2-1 upgrade
fully debadged
smoked front headlights
black/clear side repeaters
rear lights tint sprayed black
full midnight window tint (front/back/sunstrip)