General Replacement Double Din Stereo.. waddayathink?

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General Replacement Double Din Stereo.. waddayathink?


New member
Mar 21, 2007

Been pondering a new head unit for a bit, and yeah i think the panda deserves better and i came across this...

Think it would look pretty nifty in my dash. And touch screen.. mmm!
So its pretty likely im gonna get it in the next month or two once ive saved my pennies!

But does anyone know if i might have any complications fitting it myself?

Looks smart.

Only problem I would have is leaving it on full view for the smash and grab brigade to remove it
knowing me thats the one thing i'd forget to buy! im sure someone on the net will do a double din one too.

And about someone pinching it.. i hate to admit that yes its maybe more of a concern than i allowed at first. I have thought since that a single din monitor would probably look pretty cool when out and look a little less desireable to the local pondlife. but i wonder how solid they can be, why do i envisage a pot hole and it snapping off onto the floor lol.. im sure theyre better than that!
knowing me thats the one thing i'd forget to buy! im sure someone on the net will do a double din one too.

And about someone pinching it.. i hate to admit that yes its maybe more of a concern than i allowed at first. I have thought since that a single din monitor would probably look pretty cool when out and look a little less desireable to the local pondlife. but i wonder how solid they can be, why do i envisage a pot hole and it snapping off onto the floor lol.. im sure theyre better than that!

When I got Halfrauds to change my stereo I brought the facia from them, and you could easily convert it to double din (it came with a pocket to go in the unused din socket and would just need a thin bar cutting out to make it a double).

Here's the beast you need -

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What about the stereo controls (i guess an adaptor?) and bluetooth on the steering wheel?
I brought the facia from them, and you could easily convert it to double din (it came with a pocket to go in the unused din socket and would just need a thin bar cutting out to make it a double).

You cant cut out a single slot radio fascia and try to pass it off for a double din fascia as double dins come in different sizes, 1.6, 1.8 and 2.0 to name a few. You need to get an adequate double din suited to car like what eclipze posted
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Yeah you need the actual double din fascia, you can't convert the single to a double, you'd have a gap at the top or bottom.

What about the stereo controls (i guess an adaptor?) and bluetooth on the steering wheel?
This is something myself and a lot of other people are after. Basically, there is currently no adapter available to allow use of the steering wheel controls with an aftermarket head unit. One forum member has managed to get a company to custom-make one for his 100HP but the company say they won't be mass producing them (why?!). The bluetooth unit is separate to the HU but it runs off the HU, so it will never work with an aftermarket one. You'd have to buy a new HU with bluetooth or fit a parrot kit etc.

I've just fitted my new single din HU with no trouble (other than blowing a fuse as I'm an arse). Pretty easy jobb, and it both looks and sounds much better than the factory fit one!
I would think that most 3rd party HU's (whether single or double DIN) wouldn't have any easy way of accepting steering wheel controls as each manufacturer will have a different way of doing it. Until they become standard and ISO step in to make a standard for it I guess it'll be a case of keep the factory HU, or lose your steering wheel controls.

Well, unless you're lucky and get get someone to custom make a control unit, but I dare say that's easier said than done. It's not like the Panda's HU is hard to reach though ;)
Quite a few companies (Autoleads, Celsus, Connects2...) make these adapters. They are called "stalk adapters" and consist of two parts which you buy separately. There's a HU specific part, so you get one for your Sony, Pioneer, Kenwood etc as they all have different inputs for stalk control (usually about £5). And then there's a vehicle specific part, designed for use with that model only, and these vary in price but usually around £50-60. The problem Panda owners face is that nobody makes the vehicle specific adapter for a Panda! Don't know why, as I'm sure there must be plenty of demand for it.
evening... that would be me with the custom made can bus adaptor.
give greens car radio in blackpool a ring they may be able to help. depends what head unit your using, mine is set up for a kenwood kdc-w5041.
i paid £65.00 for mine, that was 3 visits to dealer and the company that made it spent 5 hours with a laptop at the dealer.
greens say they lost out on it so god knows what it,s going to cost.
01253 764 488... (y)
So is it impossible just to buy a nice multimedia player (like the one in the original post) and a double din fascia and just plug it in? sorry to sound stupid, i know nothing about electronics. Or is the confusion just surrounding the blue tooth etc? Would it work on a standard Multijet?
You could plug it in and it would work fine and assuming your MJ doesn't have steering wheel controls you wouldn't lose anything at all. If I'm correct in my assumption only 100hp drivers would lose out on that aspect, and if the HU has built in Bluetooth, then everyone wins on that front
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You could plug it in and it would work fine and assuming your MJ doesn't have steering wheel controls you wouldn't lose anything at all. If I'm correct in my assumption only 100hp drivers would lose out on that aspect, and if the HU has built in Bluetooth, then everyone wins on that front
What's a "HU" (sorry, I'm a newbie!) If i buy a top of the range multimedia player, and i would probably go for the most expensive one with sat nav, SD, USB etc to make it worth it, and a double din fascia adapter, all i would need to do is remove old one, unplug, fit fascia, plug in new one and fit it and that's it? Oh and no, i have no blue tooth/steering controls etc.

Sorry to make a complete tit of myself but it seems too easy?
What's a "HU" (sorry, I'm a newbie!) If i buy a top of the range multimedia player, and i would probably go for the most expensive one with sat nav, SD, USB etc to make it worth it, and a double din fascia adapter, all i would need to do is remove old one, unplug, fit fascia, plug in new one and fit it and that's it? Oh and no, i have no blue tooth/steering controls etc.

Sorry to make a complete tit of myself but it seems too easy?

HU= Head Unit

Would be simple to fit, plug and play. If you went for satnav and bluetooth integrated you'd have to fit the gps receiver and mic maybe too. Not hard


HU is HeadUnit ... £700 is a bit steep, and I'm sure you can get something which does all you need it to do for less. Only reason I would go double-din is for Sat-Nav, and am quite tempted to customise some sort of cradle for it, but will have to wait until I can afford a decent HU :D
Did you check this one out?

It's £700 odd but does the lot, nav, bluetooth, dvd player etc

Was looking at it in Halfords today, they fit it free too
Ah that's the one i was looking at! This one has a built in mic/GPS receiver persumably. Looks pretty sweet though, i think the dash position in the Panda is perfect, would look like a standard option but yea, would be easy to spot for theives, true. Might plan a trip to Halfords, sorry "Hellfrauds" as they are know on here. lol. Cheers for all your help, if i get one fitted, i'll be sure to post some info on here.