After changing all the front suspension recently it’s clear as day now the rears are fubar.
What method to you use to change the rear springs and strut?
1. Change one side at a time and pry down axle so there’s just enough room to remove rear spring (obviously after strut is out/unbolted
2. Remove both struts at once so real axle “drops”
With number 2 I understand it’s best not to put a trolley jack underneath in case it bends the axle, and would I have enough oomph to pull down one side of the axle using method 1, as it’ll be done on my drive and not on a ramp
After changing all the front suspension recently it’s clear as day now the rears are fubar.
What method to you use to change the rear springs and strut?
1. Change one side at a time and pry down axle so there’s just enough room to remove rear spring (obviously after strut is out/unbolted
2. Remove both struts at once so real axle “drops”
With number 2 I understand it’s best not to put a trolley jack underneath in case it bends the axle, and would I have enough oomph to pull down one side of the axle using method 1, as it’ll be done on my drive and not on a ramp