Photoshop Competition - Sep 09

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Photoshop Competition - Sep 09

Jan 18, 2008
So then, I think TBP clearly won Augusts comp by a mile! Seeing as noone had put a new competition I thought i'd get one on the go (y) Usual rules apply and this ones a quick one so runs until the end of september (so midnight on the 30th)

Ok here's the rules: (AGAIN)
You have to use this image.
You have to submit the image in the same resolution.
You can use any program you like to edit it.
You have to submit the final image by Midnight Wednesday 30th September.
If somebody posts a WIP (Work In Progress) you cannot use THEIR image for yourself. All work must be your own.
When all images are in the thread will be locked and all final images will be posted in a poll thread for exactly 1 week.
The image submitted may only have one vehicle included (unless the origional has more).
The image submitted must be BASED (however loosely) on the origional vehicle.
The winner of that poll will get to choose the next image.

Any questions, post them in this thread, keep us updated with how your doing

If you are stuck this website is amazing:

Here is the image: :D

Oh btw, this image is massive! So you can reduce the resolution a bit when you are chopping, otherwise this thread will run mega slow!
Last edited:
My WIP. :p


  • ferrari-wip-1.jpg
    249 KB · Views: 34
I really couldn't resist...funnily enough, this also works with boats...(don't ask)

This isn't a particularly serious entry, was bored :devil:

(Yes, I know there are a few areas that would benefit from a little tweaking, but don't really care...I'd say "WIP" point though lol)


  • Couldn't Resist.jpg
    Couldn't Resist.jpg
    197 KB · Views: 27
on mine i extended the wheelarches, but then somehow the file corrupted, then all i tryed to do was Green car, with yellow/gold coloured bumpers etc. added too much and it looked terrible. was quite a difficult one to work on, which is actually pretty surprising.