General Panda 100hp for food delivery?

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General Panda 100hp for food delivery?


New member
Aug 19, 2024
Hey guys, I am looking for a car to do food and market deliveries around the city, and I was wondering if the Panda 100hp would be suitable for the job?

Pandas are very popular amongst delivery guys in my city and their price is around 2000-2500e, while the 100hp can be found between 3500-4000e. All with around 200k km (+- 50k). I rented a Punto mk2 for 2 months to test it out but I was quite dissatisfied with the power as it was making alot of noise for not much speed going uphill and is the main reason not to buy a Panda with 1.1 or 1.2 engine.

Is there much difference in them in terms of servicing costs if I were to pick one up for deliveries?

I would fit LPG in it.
The only thing that I'm worried about is the ride height for mounting curbs, but right now I'm driving a rented Corsa enjoy which is I'd say a low car and also not that great at that job.

And I know it would be a shame to drive such a car for deliveries daily with 150km of city driving. But I want to have fun while driving and be the envy of all other delivery guys 😂
A standard 1.2 Panda would be more suited to this job. Better ground clearance, more economical, cheaper to insure and maintain. With its softer suspension, will be less likely to harm the food being delivered. If you are going to spend lots of time in it, the softer suspension will be significantly better for you.
The greater performance of the 100hp is not much of an advantage in cities, where the limiting factor is usually other traffic.
A standard 1.2 Panda would be more suited to this job. Better ground clearance, more economical, cheaper to insure and maintain. With its softer suspension, will be less likely to harm the food being delivered. If you are going to spend lots of time in it, the softer suspension will be significantly better for you.
The greater performance of the 100hp is not much of an advantage in cities, where the limiting factor is usually other traffic.
I'd go with a standard 1.2 myself. They are quite nippy enough for this job and most spares are readily available.