Technical Palio HL Central Locking Problems

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Technical Palio HL Central Locking Problems

Chris de Kock

New member
Dec 27, 2006
My Palio's central locking systems locks and immediately unlocks again.

Can someone send some advice to what can be checked to find the fault and where I could obtain a manual for the Palio Weekend HL.

Thank you.
It happened to me twice , when I leave the car I lock ( with the remote ) it locks but a second later it unlocks again ...

I tried 3 - 4 times and it still won't lock , so I tried the SILENT lock button on my remote ( locks the car without beeping ) it finaly did lock .

Another time it happened but I just opened the door and closed it again and it locked .

I am on a Palio 2 ELX , Do you use a remote or just locking with ur key ?
I do not have the facility for a SILENT lock on the remote. The locking and a second later unlocking occurs both with using the remote or the key.

Do you have any wiring diagrams for the central locking system?

When I remove the connector plug to the RH front locking motor, the remaining 3 doors seem to operate properly. Does this imply a faulty locking motor?
Even on a car without a fault, if you don't fully shut the door and try locking it with key or with remote button, the central locking system unlocks the doors back. So if you are sure the doors are properly closed, you may look for something faulty with the alignment of the locking mechanizm of the doors.