General old and thick

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General old and thick


Don't polish it, DRIVE IT
May 2, 2004
HELP !!!
Can anyone explain the logic behind e-bay, please ?
As you may know, I'm selling my old faithfull Marbella 'Black Special' at present.
So far, I've got 9 'watchers', 3 e-mail enquirers and two people have been to see it and testdrive. BUT....... there are still no bids showing. Every-one who has seen it says that they love, why no bids yet ?

Ebay is a cruel mistress, i'm starting to like it less and less.. like you wait 10 days for something you really want only to find people bided silly and you can't afford it, so 10 days wasted basically.. Some things are cheaper to buy new than from there now :(

Ehem.. sorry.. As for your problem i dunno.. do you have their contect details?.. I sell a few things on there and get lots of people watching my things but few actually bid. Do you have pictures on there now? i know you didn't. This is my own personal view but i'd never buy a car off ebay unless there was a picture.. And i know lots of others are the same..
Best of luck to you!


Because every fox needs one!
Thank you Mr Fox,
I have not the remotest idea of how to put a picture on e-bay ! more than I have as to how to put one on this site.
I have, however, sent pictures to each 'serious' bidder that has requested them..........yet, still nothing !!!!!
Ah well[?]

its like a real auction you view in they days before then bid at the last minuet, to put a pic on ebay you just click the button next to the first pic bit and when you click continue it will say wait whilst we upload your pic, can take long time if pic is big and a dialup. to put a pic up here see the first 2 sticky topics in members motors section.;)

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Fhank you Dave.....
errrrrrrrrrrrr, what's with the rabbits ?

errrrrrrrrrrrr, what's with the rabbits ?
[:0]its all the same rabbit, its binki the fiat forum mascot (coz baby says so),:D
He even has his own membership to the forums, he mostly posts in the leisure lounge;)

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No such thing as a bargain on Ebay. Quite often "2nd user" or the contradiction "new old stock" parts go for prices higher than FIAT charge for new.

Very strange - would you fit a timing belt that's been lying in who know's what conditions for an unknown number of years for £15? Only a tenner for a new one from FIAT.

The car section is becoming increasingly useless since the majority of cars are old wrecks, no value really, but determined to be offloaded by their owners. - Not yours Pandafan obviously!-

Check out the background to pictures, quite a few I have noticed are actually scrapyards. So it's buyer beware, especially when bid frenzy kicks in and the price rises to unrealistic levels.

This makes deciding to whether to go and view a big decision as the car may not be worth bidding on. I have been excited a few times only to discover that the car is nowhere near as described.

Some of the descriptions are a joke - "Immaculate bodywork - some welding required for MOT" was an amusing one for a Y10 I saw recently. I didn't bid.



Fix It Again Tony!
Would swap for X19, Montecarlo Spider or GT.i.e in average/poor condition! Scottish based would be nice.
Meant to add that some people don't bid, but contact the seller and arrange to buy the car privately to avoid Ebay fees. This happened to a Y10 I was interested in recently. The seller quoted £400 on the phone while the bidding sat at 0.

So in a similar vein, you may get an e-mail after the auction offering to take it off your hands. But I would expect a bidding frenzy in the last 5 minutes.

Fix It Again Tony!
Would swap for X19, Montecarlo Spider or GT.i.e in average/poor condition! Scottish based would be nice.
I'd agree with Martins comment:
my recent experience with buying (another) Panda -
I went to view it, just to see what I was bidding on, liked the look of it and was invited to offer.

I paid about twice what the bidding had got to with a bit less than a day to go... the vendor is happy, and am I happy too....:D:D

I consider it a good buy - but the MOT is on thursday[:0] perhaps my opinion will change. I've got the horn to fix for starters, and a tyre to replace, but the rest of it looks OK.

FWIW it's a 1994 "M" CLX with just over 40K on the clock [8D]
nothing wrong with buying from a scrapyard if you check car properly, people scrap there cars for all sorts of reasons, sometimes they just can't be bothered to go through the hassle of advertising, being in when people phone ect.. breakers i use have curently got a very nice blue uno, its one owner and belonged to the vicker who live yards from the yard, he just bought a new car and took it in because he thought no one would buy it, wouldnt it be better put back on the road rather than crushed.
some people may also get very large quote from a garage for work that would take us with a little car knollage an hour or so fix, so they scrap the car.

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As a regular at the scrap yard I agree that there are quality bargains to be had.

My point is that it is hard to distinguish between a private sale and merchant dealing in scrap when browsing Ebay. How I treat an already scrapped car is different to one which its current owner is only now beginning to be unable to run. One is a business after all and if you can talk the old owner you tend to get more of the history of the car. But there are risks to both types of seller I admit.

There is perhaps a more sinister side too, if you bought from a dealer you would have some protection, but this is absent if buying from a scrapyard on an Ebay auction. They can sell pretty much any old rubbish in an auction to a potentially unwitting buyer. I have seen plenty cars advertised as "ideal for first time buyer." With no tax and MOT.

It's unlikely the average first time buyer is going to have much of a clue and there is a real chance they will be stung by this.

Ebay could be thought of as a way for these private businesses to offload cars they can't get rid of any other way - I don't think that should happen.

Fix It Again Tony!
Would swap for X19, Montecarlo Spider or GT.i.e in average/poor condition! Scottish based would be nice.
:( Thank you all........I feel MUCH better now !
Scrap yards ?...I love them ! The local ones contact me when they get a 4x4 in and I trundle over to see what's on offer. Thats how I got my Inclinometer and Sisely badges for a fiver last week.
As for my Black Special, a young lady has given me a retainer to have it pre M.O.T'd. If it's as good as I say it is, she'll take the bidding to whatever to get it:D. Nice gill...pretty eyes...

don't forget that if you are buying from a business on ebay, the distance selling laws are supposed to over ride ebay auction rules,
so if i go and bid £500 on the marbella this girl will out bid me;):)

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