General No brakes!!!

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General No brakes!!!


Jul 3, 2021
Suddenly no brakes on .my panda 1990 1000cc.
Reservoir was empty but I filled up a d then no pressure at all
Cannot see any fluid at wheels and hubs
Any ideas?
If reservoir was empty that means there's now air in the brake lines = no pressure.

You need to find out what is leaking and replace it. Have you checked the bottom of the drums? Or inside the drums? Wheel cylinders are usually first to fail.

Then bleed the brakes to get pedal pressure back.

If you can't find the source, bleed them anyway to get pressure back, and get someone to pump the brakes whilst you look for leaks. Master cylinder also a possibility, but a pipe or union could have rusted through.
If reservoir was empty that means there's now air in the brake lines = no pressure.

You need to find out what is leaking and replace it. Have you checked the bottom of the drums? Or inside the drums? Wheel cylinders are usually first to fail.

Then bleed the brakes to get pedal pressure back.

If you can't find the source, bleed them anyway to get pressure back, and get someone to pump the brakes whilst you look for leaks. Master cylinder also a possibility, but a pipe or union could have rusted through.
No. Fluid loss on cylinders
I will check bleed tonight when I have assistant to help me.
Master cylinder is kapput
Bukt the just are turning on the mounting bolts
Any ideas how to get off please
Yes the master cylinder is held in with 2x 13mm nuts. Quite cheap to replace but go for one that Is a decent brand. Brakes are something that should never be "bought cheap" on.

Rear wheel cylinders are held in with 2x 10mm bolts
Yes agree but the studs on the master cylinder are spinning as nuts rusty
How do I get that off please
Yes agree but the studs on the master cylinder are spinning as nuts rusty
How do I get that off please
Been quite a while since we had Felicity in the family (1992 Panda Parade) but I'm sure those bolts were captive bolts? So if they're rotating you've got a problem! I think they are part of the pedal cluster plate which is itself bolted to the bulkhead? memory is not that clear though. So maybe you could remove the pedal cluster with master cylinder still attached? I can't remember if you can see the end of the bolts from inside the footwell? if you can then I'd be very tempted to get in there with a MIG and tack them to the pedal cluster plate with a few little welds?

Another thing you could try is to buy a nut splitter and split the nuts from both sides so they fall in half? Or, if enough access, cut slots with a mini grinder - like a dremel - so the huts fall in half. Or, maybe? cut a slot in the end of the stud so you can use an old style screwdriver to stop the stud turning?

My preference would be to go with the welder if there's enough access. Always enjoy a session with a welder!
Been quite a while since we had Felicity in the family (1992 Panda Parade) but I'm sure those bolts were captive bolts? So if they're rotating you've got a problem! I think they are part of the pedal cluster plate which is itself bolted to the bulkhead? memory is not that clear though. So maybe you could remove the pedal cluster with master cylinder still attached? I can't remember if you can see the end of the bolts from inside the footwell? if you can then I'd be very tempted to get in there with a MIG and tack them to the pedal cluster plate with a few little welds?

Another thing you could try is to buy a nut splitter and split the nuts from both sides so they fall in half? Or, if enough access, cut slots with a mini grinder - like a dremel - so the huts fall in half. Or, maybe? cut a slot in the end of the stud so you can use an old style screwdriver to stop the stud turning?

My preference would be to go with the welder if there's enough access. Always enjoy a session with a welder!
Spent a lot of time welding!!!
Spent a lot of time welding!!!
Oh yes, you need to be able to weld if you own one of these earlier Pandas! Unfortunately rust was what eventually did for Felicity. When I couldn't find enough good metal left to weld too with the MIG, I enlisted the help of a welding specialist who managed to keep her going for another 3 years by using gas welding but the last time he said to me "That's it Jock, Please don't bring her back next year"
oh hmm do you have a vacuum servo? if you need to you can undo it from under the dash vis 4x 13mm bolts. theres also a circlip that holds the pedal to the little rod that pushes into the master cylinder which you have to undo. then its just a case of undoing the brake pipes then pulling the vacuum pipe out of the servo and taking the whole master cylinder and servo onto a bench. sadly i dont think you can take apart the vacuum servo as they are "crimped" together at the seam however on the bench it will give better access to try different things with the nuts. now i dont think the studs are long enough to get 2 nuts on to lock them together but you could try and grip the end of the thread with a pair of grips, crack the nut then file the rough chewed up thread down the grips caused. once the nut is cracked it should spin freely with a bit of oil. ive never known the threads to be hard to undo on master cylinder studs.
if the studs are loose be careful they dont drop inside the vacuum servo when you do get the nuts off.

if its not got a servo.. i dont think i can help as i have never had a panda without vacuum servo assist. i only know what i have taken apart before...

i hope this helps.. its not an overly hard job to take the servo off. with a 1/8 or 3/8 (small or medium) socket set with extension bar you will easy get to the 4x 13mm nuts under the dash that holds the servo to the bulkhead.
oh hmm do you have a vacuum servo? if you need to you can undo it from under the dash vis 4x 13mm bolts. theres also a circlip that holds the pedal to the little rod that pushes into the master cylinder which you have to undo. then its just a case of undoing the brake pipes then pulling the vacuum pipe out of the servo and taking the whole master cylinder and servo onto a bench. sadly i dont think you can take apart the vacuum servo as they are "crimped" together at the seam however on the bench it will give better access to try different things with the nuts. now i dont think the studs are long enough to get 2 nuts on to lock them together but you could try and grip the end of the thread with a pair of grips, crack the nut then file the rough chewed up thread down the grips caused. once the nut is cracked it should spin freely with a bit of oil. ive never known the threads to be hard to undo on master cylinder studs.
if the studs are loose be careful they dont drop inside the vacuum servo when you do get the nuts off.

if its not got a servo.. i dont think i can help as i have never had a panda without vacuum servo assist. i only know what i have taken apart before...

i hope this helps.. its not an overly hard job to take the servo off. with a 1/8 or 3/8 (small or medium) socket set with extension bar you will easy get to the 4x 13mm nuts under the dash that holds the servo to the bulkhead.
No servo no
I can see the bolts ts and will
weld them