only problem you may encounter there mate is that the HGT sideskirts will not fit 100%. They do go on, but as the HGTs have slightly wider front wings you will end up having a gap near the front. You may struggle to get them on perfectly because of that.
i'll stick to my guns and say you should get a smart add on kit like mikes, his looks well smart and i think there a improvement on any bravo, may just look a bit better on other colours. The only front bumpers that fit in well with the bravo's and aren't chavvy are the abarths, but they really need the sideskirts to set the car off properly. And an aftermarket fibreglass bumper will probably be too low and will look silly without the rest of the kit being on. Also if you will be paying for your bodywork doing it will end up costing more for a fibreglass panel to be painted. They are sold saying 'primed ready for paint', but they never are they usually need flatting down and skimming with filler or when they are painted they will come out rippled and mottled.
what colour do you mean yours is mate? The really light blue/almost grey colour is sassi grey. Then theres the 2 darker blues that they come in as well. I think the kit will look good on a blue one.