Mystery car part

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Mystery car part


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Jul 26, 2017
When I bought my 2003 Punto this was in the boot with the jack , any ideas what it is ? Im hoping its nothing crucial


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No idea what it is, but it does not look used, so possibly something mislaid in the car when built, and all owners have just kept it, 'just in case'. If it has not been fitted to the car since 2003, there's probably no need to worry.

There's probably an identical bracket fitted in the correct location, your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to find it and report back with a smug smile.

Edit: Just thought - folding seat hinge bracket?
Oh yeah poss , its painted so I was assuning it was not for underneath , ill report back , Thanks
Thanks , thats literally what it was , strange , as you stated there is a perfectly good one installed. The smug smile is all yours my friend , Thank you
During the late seventies and into the early eighties, it was quite common to find extra bits in new cars. I still have a few switches for Marina/Ital, perhaps of little use to me now, as I haven't owned one since 1988!
All these bits should be removed at the pre-delivery inspection by the selling dealer. Seems yours was missed and each owner has just kept it there 'just in case'.

Now you have a dilemma.
Do you leave it in the car, forever.
Do you transfer it to your shed/garage/cupboard under the stairs, etc.
Bin it.
Offer it to anyone who might want it. (Not something to break really)

If anyone needs a strong bracket, it might fit the bill.

Try not to lose too much sleep over this decision.