Technical Multipla Brake Servo (?) issues

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Technical Multipla Brake Servo (?) issues


Eat. Sleep. Multiplas.
Nov 25, 2015
Hi All,
I'm wondering if I could get some advice on the latest problem we have here.
Essentially the problem (as I understand it…) is this; there was an issue with the brakes, which we had looked at by the garage, and they 'sorted it' and that was not quite that…
The brake pedal would still sink to the floor. So we invested in an easybleed kit and Fab (that's my 15yr old-multipla-mad-son) learned how to use that and we thought that would be that. But it wasn't.
And then he discovered that the brake fluid was dripping inside the car, beside the clutch and has done some further investigating.
I've stepped in now, as I think that he needs a part, but I could do with some guidance!
Essentially, there is a piece of foam which appears to be somewhat perished.
I don't know what it's called or how to go about getting it replaced. And well, that out of my depth feeling is back with me and I wonder if someone could help me get up to speed with this latest excitement, and tell me what part I need to buy next…?
Many thanks, Jo


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The foam maybe be perished but this is only an air filter/silencer for the servo, the master cylinder seals will be worn hence the pedal creeping to the floor and fluid leaking past them and into the servo and then visible next to the pedals, the master cylinder will either need overhauling with a repair kit or replacing, not a major job as long as your able to bleed the brakes afterwards.
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