hi another boring question sorry,
someones put a manual door mirror on my car and it shouid be electric its possibly come off a brava and they couidnt source a marea one
im getting an error code ipresume this is down to the sensor that shouid be in the mirror is there anyway to by-pass this as its anoying seeing the error flash up,
ive bought a set of marea mirrors off ebay to sort the problem out but the seller seems to have fleeced me of £35 and theres none in the scrappies
so this is why im trying to work out if its possible to by-pass this sensor thingy that shouid be there,
someones put a manual door mirror on my car and it shouid be electric its possibly come off a brava and they couidnt source a marea one
im getting an error code ipresume this is down to the sensor that shouid be in the mirror is there anyway to by-pass this as its anoying seeing the error flash up,
ive bought a set of marea mirrors off ebay to sort the problem out but the seller seems to have fleeced me of £35 and theres none in the scrappies