General manifold !

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General manifold !


New member
Nov 20, 2003
gloucester, United Kingdom.
I got a lot of head work done about 2 months ago( the value clearences were miles out and turns out the cam shaft had 4mm of play in it!) anyway now the engine sounds sweet but now I can hear a small blow in the exuast where the manifold meets the down pipes. One of the bolts was very loose so I nipped that one up and went to do the rest and the front one sheared off! however It seems a lot better just blowing a bit. Does anyone know how much just the manifold on its own is (the rest of the exaust is new)? I can fit it my self just need to know the prioce and any tips?
A reasonable tyre/exhaust chain should be able to drill out and re-tap the hole and keep the existing manifold.

They may have other tricks up their sleeve, but try a "what can you do with this?" visit to one.
hey my manifold went tits up the other day i had to get it replaced cuse it cracked and snaped off, i went to the local scrappy got one for 20 quid. then one of the studs snaped off like on urs wot i did was to drill it out and just wacked a bolt through and chucked a nut on the end. easy as pie:D
Both options sound good, go with #1 first...for £10 it might not be worth screwing with the thing for a day. I have a slight blow between the manifold and exhaust, gasket and fitting is £10 at local shop...when I get around to it. My friend Dave says I need head work too...the way I fling the panda round roundabouts!