
Mals disaster thread.


As some of you may have heard, I've aquired an automobile for the grand sum of nada. Hats off to my mate Joe for the car, I owe him a pint at the very least :)

The car in question is an Opel Vectra 1.6 ecotec. We previously got a Corsa but that isnt worth mentioning. Although it holds the record for the most gutless car I've ever driven (y)

This particular car however by contrast is much superior. Its had a recent engine service including a timing belt and water pump change. It runs with no rattles or smoke, rather smooth :) it certainly has poke to match too :devil:

So whats wrong with it? My mate got it with no tax book, the previous owner had it for years then emigrated for a bit. Went to tax it and discovered the absence of a book. So it got parked up for 2 years. Joe gets it for free but its practically un-drivable and would cost a fortune to sort. So he offered it to me and I brought it away yesterday :) Plus underneath its going crusty...

So enough about the background of the car, whats the plan for it? Well, I'm its final owner and it will be going to the graveyard in due time :( but lets see what I can do wit it before that happens ;)

Anyways some pics of said car :)



And it didn't take long before I started fiddlin' round the engine bay :p

Controls on the wheel for the radio, sweeeeeeet :cool:

My 5 series sneaking in the pic :p

Best radio station on the planet :worship:

And after a bit of driving round the garden, it got a little dark


I'll have to rearrange the garden then I'll have a proper track :devil:

Lets see what it looks like for the next update... ;)
Re: Final journey for a vectra...

Got it at the right time too, summer hols just begun :p It will be going to the scrappies eventually... I want to keep the engine as its in perfect condition along with the tail lights, but thats about it :D That site is pretty handy, I'll see how low it goes (y) my dad suggested turning it into a pickup!!! :D
Re: Final journey for a vectra...

what pwer output do these have, ? i know one thing the 1.8 vectras werent quick so i cant imagine the 1.6 being at all that good either.

i say strip it, and have it as a **** around car ;)

Its either 74 or 95, most likely the 95bhp variant, guessing by the 16v... Strip it you say, another van conversion perhaps??! :D

Well lets see what I got up to :p

First, lost the Opel conk (y)

And then took a picture of a pile of rubbish :D

But where did it come from?

Now I couldnt turn off that interior light. So if in doubt...

...smash it out (y)

Now onto some alternative methods of de-badging :yum:

Well get back to that in a minute... The interior for the moment :worship:

Onto the boot again (y)

After a wire brush...

Making a face? :p

I took it by that face it needed some food :yum:

And always remember, one is better than none :)

Stay tuned, there will be another interior going into this car ;)
Re: Final journey for a vectra...

I am the fellow who let him have this car. Glad to see it's in safe hands Mal. :D
Bit more on the car:
Had 30l of petrol in it.
Electrics all work!
He left a hydraulic jack in the boot, so I nicked that. :3
Brakes all 'round.
And there is some pull off it!

Alas, it is Mal's now. I hope he does it justice. :')
Re: Final journey for a vectra...

Time this got a bump, a sad one people :(

This car was used around the house to jump various vehicles that had dead batteries and as a gap filler whilst I "worked" on it. Handy for handbrake turns too :D

However on every start up, there was an awful smell and I mean awful as in it smelled like cancer and offal :yuck:

This evening, after jumping a tractor, driving to the middle of the garden, BANG. No drive and an awful grinding sound :cry:

Had to run out of the car as the stench of death was horrendous :dead:

You can see the smoke coming from under the car and engine bay...

On another note, I backed it into an Escort and pulled the bumper off accidentally. Well rusty (n)

So no drive means its almost useless (n)

I'm open to suggestions on what to do with it before I scrap it. Prematurely... :cry:
Re: Final journey for a vectra...

Time this got a bump, a sad one people :(

This car was used around the house to jump various vehicles that had dead batteries and as a gap filler whilst I "worked" on it. Handy for handbrake turns too :D

However on every start up, there was an awful smell and I mean awful as in it smelled like cancer and offal :yuck:

This evening, after jumping a tractor, driving to the middle of the garden, BANG. No drive and an awful grinding sound :cry:

Had to run out of the car as the stench of death was horrendous :dead:

You can see the smoke coming from under the car and engine bay...

On another note, I backed it into an Escort and pulled the bumper off accidentally. Well rusty (n)

So no drive means its almost useless (n)

I'm open to suggestions on what to do with it before I scrap it. Prematurely... :cry:

well that was short lived! Hmm burn it? :p
Re: Final journey for a vectra...

A miserable mile round the garden thats worse than my old Imprezza i got 23kms out of it :mad:

I know a chap who runs a recovery service, he often gets in random cars for breaking, on the small off chance he might have one of these for shredding...

I was thinking as its no longer a mobile shed, maybe a practical shed with shelving and some couprenol to prevent weathering...?!
Re: Final journey for a vectra...

Now what i would like to see is a massive beer fridge. take the engine out and replace with a refrigeration unit then somehow route that into the whole car and just fill it with beer. That would be amazing lol
Hats off to bludvl_x19 for changing the title, will save another thread title being made up!

This thread can now host the "Disasters" that we get in to scrap or shred for bits :)

Heres one example thats recently come back to... Well youll see...

As an 18year old, I bought this 1996 Ford Escort 1.4 LX. I always wanted one, don't ask why :eek: My original plan was to do this car up, drive it for a bit and sell it on for small beer. Yes, thats the Tempra in the background (y)

A relatively cheap car, looking back I should have threw the money in the river instead...

Sorted a few issues and began some motoring :p

Yes, I rarely cleaned it :D


Had it about 3 weeks and then, disaster :mad:

Pulled the corner off over an unusually high kerb :bang:

So i tore the damned thing off (y)


Now, I was getting very tired of it and my silver car was getting ready for the road. Deciding to shred the car instead, so I ragged the damned thing :D

However, a change of heart. A young chap wanted it for field racing :D

So I polished up the turd and took the plates off as it was for off road use only. Silver car is sneaking in there (y)


Then, disaster. Altercation with the new owner and the local authorities. Bought the car back. Great :mad:

So I stripped it before it did any more damage...

But not after the damned engine and box fell on my feet Ahhhh

It was shoved into a hedge and forgotten about...

So why am I writing about it? This is how it looks now, 3 years later


It sure is :D


I'm very puzzled as to how it went up in a blaze, there was nothing combustible in it :confused:

Needs rid of as soon as possible before it attracts unwanted attention...

More bangers on the way, the Vectra might make a reapparance... ;)
Yes, time for a bump :D

I got another car for this thread, another one of Joe's specials :D Cheers Joe! (y)

Tis an ickle Fiesta 1.2 Zetec this time and is actually very respectable, apart from a rotten drivers sill :)

With a creamy beige interior... BEIGE!!! :yum:

Well maybe I'm colourblind... :eek:

Elec windows, central locking (opens on one side, locks on the other :ROFLMAO:) sunroof and button to open the boot, don't think it works though

Either way it has 170k miles I think, judging by the marks on the cam cover.

Rather dirty engine will need cleaning

Now acquiring this car was a story in itself as it had a stuck clutch, a forgotten problem by modern standards :D putting it on the trailer was even more fun, no proper ramps as we didn't have them :p

As for the clutch, once off the trailer, I drove it round the garden with the clutch in, stamping on the brakes. Hey presto, free clutch! :D

So now its residing infront of a tractor, just if it needs to jump it.... :p

Keep watching, I'll be taking this one apart with dignity, not with a bucket of petrol, some matches and a consaw ;)