maguires & hi to everyone (newbie)

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maguires & hi to everyone (newbie)


New member
Aug 6, 2006
Any of you used maguires car cleaning products?

i used to use some on my saxo, but upgraded big time to my stilo n lovin it but just wondering if anyone else uses this stuff on there fiats?

N oh by the way hello fiat owners!
thepottleflump said:
I've used some Megs products. Do the job. Ant, many of your posts seem to promote the detailingworld site (y)

It was recommended when i wanted knowlegede on car products, there is no better site. Its free too, and i don't get commission:D . Just a friendly forum where you can ask anything and will get a response:) (y)
I'm not a moderator so don't set the rules but I know people do make money from the site. It is heavily trader focused.

I think it would be more appropriate to offer advice here rather than instantly directing them off site to another forum.
thepottleflump said:
I'm not a moderator so don't set the rules but I know people do make money from the site. It is heavily trader focused.

I think it would be more appropriate to offer advice here rather than instantly directing them off site to another forum.

Its free and you don't have to buy from the traders. If i had advice on a product i would give it but if i don't then there is nothing wrong IMO in pointing them in the right direction:)
when i finally get around to doing my car i use the megs 3 stage polish set, the apint restorer, polish then wax, gives a damn good finish imo.

fingers crossed the weather is good friday as i have the day off and the old girl needs some damn good tlc (also needs a respray but thats a diff and altogether more expencive matter)