First of all... do not use supermarket fuel... its no good for our modern diesels.
I worked for a majour supermarket on their outsourced service desk for the petrol stations... i would never use supermarkets since what i have learned about there fuels.
They are cheaper, they add additives... they claim to aid the fuel to burn cleaner, last longer etc.
Maybe on old school diesels but... take our shop keeper, he had a nice 10 grands worth of jaguar 2.2 diesel.
6 months and his 2010 plate motor wouldnt start... recover guys came out... got it running but it would keep cutting out.
Insurance company got involved, tests where done on the car, price of repair was £7,000 so they wrote it off and paid him out.
They had discovered it was ful of diesel, no issue or driver error however the fuel lines and injectors where clogged with metallic and cilicone contaminants...
Supermarket fuel!!!!
Its fine in your older motors but i would never use it anymore, if im paying for 50litres of diesel then i want 50litres, not 40 odd litres and a percentage of ****ty addatives.
My two pence on supermarket fuel.
Also, remember that if the car is cold... drive it gently! Until warm, i I tend to forget and can tell if my oil is warm enough to lubricate the turbo under high boost.... if it climbs boost nice and steady but then pauses... check engine temperature and let it warm a bit more if its cold... you don't want thick cold oil surging into the turbo veins and oil feeds to quickly under too much pressure.
Same for cooling too... let the engine idle for a minute if you have been driving with a heavy foot