General 'Leave well alone...' ?

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General 'Leave well alone...' ?

Sep 1, 2005
N Derbys
This is a good old adage...
I'd bought some new points, and as the others had done around 30k(!) I thought it would be a good idea to change 'em...
I should say I've never done Panda points before - but fitting points is easy, right?
She was used for 2 yrs - serviced as and when - all was well (maybe the price of the points put me off changing sooner). She stood for 2 yrs - always started ok - charged battery from time to time.
Recently MOT'd and put back on road - no trouble. Tuesday, fitted new points... not run right since
fiddled with allen key that much yesterday that allen key is now in my pocket...
Today added new dist cap and rotor (bloomin' £20!!!) ...seems better but still does odd kangaroo hop, def like a LT problem but now wondering if HT lead from coil to dizzy could have been affected by unplugging it.
Used a bit of copper slip instead of that heat stuff for those little contacts opposite points but man where I got cap and rotor doesn't think it'll be that.
As I put a spot of oil on bob weights I took plate off again today and pulled a thin bit of card between points. Did this when fitting new cap and rotor so don't know if it's made any difference...
Can't see that fitting points would have disturbed condensor and had none of this before changing points...
have no way (other than static) of checking timing or dwell angle other than trial and error.
Tomorrow I'm going to fit a new fuel filter just to eliminate this...
argh... fusterating... :bang:
ha ha, yeah it's funny how we enter a world of superstition once they start acting up - the guy at the factors asked when I'd last changed the fuel filter... but how logical is it that it could suddenly be wrong just from changing the points? Nevertheless it's on my hit list :confused:
weell, it's as good an excuse as any to start swopping bits you think might be on their way out, or just a bit scruffy, or maybe you've got a spare one you think might be better etc etc.
I've had a rotten time with fuelling recently which I know full well was down to crap floating about in the petrol from somewhere and clogging the carb. Didn't stop me changing the spark plugs just to be on the safe side.. and the leads, oh and the cap and rotor arm, oh and come to think of it the actual distributor.
and the carb, fuel pump, fuel filter (now got 2 in) and all the fuel lines under the bonnet (think that might actually be what caused it, one section was pretty perished)
mostly running OK now.:)
Poor Firstcar!
Parts must have cost all of £35.
Cheaper to buy a new panda off ebay I reckon.

I don't fix it if it ain't broken.
It always causes problems when I try to improve!


Sorry about that!

I hate anything that sounds like a bag of spanners.

(The red 4x4 sold on ebay makes mine look like its worth 2 grand with spare engine etc)
If it all went horribly wrong when you changed the points, my money is on either the new points, or their fitting being the problem.

When I do something, if it's broken afterwards it's generally been broken by what I've done.

Also, if the condenser hasn't been reconnected (properly, or at all) it won't run well.

Have a look at the surface of the points to see if they're badly pitted - if they are the condenser isn't doing its job.

One other thing, ISTR once replacing a set of Panda points, and had to give up with the new ones and put the old ones back on (having cleaned up the contacts a bit).

Can't remember what, why, or make (maybe Lucas???).... Ooohh, I wonder if that's the odd set of points PandaMark got in with all the other stuff..... Ooops!

Are you reading any of this Mark?
Poor Firstcar!
Parts must have cost all of £35.
Cheaper to buy a new panda off ebay I reckon.

I don't fix it if it ain't broken.
It always causes problems when I try to improve!

probably not even that, only the plugs, leads, cap and rotor were actually bought. All the rest is random stuff from the big filing cabinet in the garage where all the old stuff has now been stashed for next time I get a nagging feeling that maybe that bit was actually better after all...:eek:
any improvement is normally entirely in my head.
cheaper to buy a new panda off ebay eh? well, maybe a nice red 4x4 or something. Any on at the mo...
...had to give up with the new ones and put the old ones back on Can't remember what, why, or make (maybe Lucas?).... I wonder if that's the odd set of points PandaMark got in with all the other stuff..... Ooops!

Are you reading any of this Mark?

I just read that! I'll have a look in the garage over the weekend and see if I can dig them out :(
Why don't you just get a disy and coil from an UNO. you will never have to worry about points again.
I must admit I was a bit dubious about the Intermotor points... but overall she runs better - s'pose I could refit the old ones and see if there's any improvement.
Just back from weekend up Richmond and Barnard castle where it got progressively worse (just the odd cough and kangaroo hop when under load in lower revs) after a quich turn of the allen key it seemed better... so it tends to suggest it's just not gapped right..?
Must admit I thought like John in that I'd upset something... but can't really see what could be wrong. Took that top plate off last week to check that the wires were routed correctly and make sure no oil or grease were on contacts, other than that I haven't disturbed the condensor.
To be fair I set the points with the distributor on the kitchen table and only fiddled with the allen key later... (is it supposed to spark around like that when you put the allen key in when it's running btw? - tends to suggest it's trying to find a better earth through the allen key?)
I need a timing light and a dwell meter... shame I don't live a bit nearer to Jim as he's got a nice new one (and he knows how to use it :D)
Madrat, good suggestion - would that have to be a later Uno? Have you done this on yours?
Yes they do spark on the allen key. wind a bit of tape round the middle of it an you will be OK. You really need a dwell meter and timing light to set it up properly. A exhaust gas tester is also a good idea.

Any uno 45 FIRE from about 86 on will have electronic ignition. Its a very easy swap. I have done it on two panda's for people I know. And they have both been successfull. First was a 87 panda 1000s the other was a 89 750L.
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Whe I used to do the points on the my Panda, the joy of it was that you could set up the dwell with the engine running cos of the allen key set up. Brilliant it was. Dead accurate. Also setting the timing really easy as well but I think you had to disconnect vaccuum advance to get it very accurate?

Correct me if I'm wrong.
Technically yes but it is a lot easier to keep the vac attached and st the timing to 14 -16 degrees BTDC at idle.