General Leaking back window on 500C

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General Leaking back window on 500C


New member
Oct 4, 2009
Just cleaned my 500C at the weekend and washed the back of it, including the window with sponge and light hose water and noticed that the back seat and back window on the inside was soaking wet - seems the water is getting in between the window and the seal of the roof. Contacted dealer and they said this was normal! It can't be! Not sure what else I can do?
Has anyone had any problems with their 500C leaking when they wash it?
I also notice a tiny bit of water running down inside of the rear window after washing the car but not enough to cause a problem. I have been puzzled by this myself!

Fortunately water has never leaked in during heavy rain though.
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I've noticed that the rear window moves a little bit when I clean it, and like Midlife I've caused an occasional trickle to find its way down the inside, but never anything to worry about. i presume it's because the window has to move with the roof during the folding action. Our cinquecento has to stand outside but we've never had rain leaking in.
I've noticed that the rear window moves a little bit when I clean it, and like Midlife I've caused an occasional trickle to find its way down the inside, but never anything to worry about. i presume it's because the window has to move with the roof during the folding action. Our cinquecento has to stand outside but we've never had rain leaking in.

I was wondering if that was the case too. Perhaps if the window is bonded the whole way around it'll just tear or something? Just an uneducated guess of course :)
Well after taking it back to the dealer today and them checking it over - it seems that there is nothing wrong with the back window. It's meant to be like that - so beware when you wash it. Just have to live with it.....
As the dealer says it's quite normal. The window folds out of the way when the roof goes down and therefore when it closes it pushes back up against the roof itself.

If you press on the window when washing it it moves in (as if folding away) and a small amount of water can then seep in.

It would be very unlikely to rain in though, unless your parked it upside down or rain somehow defied gravity :p

The moral being; be very careful when hosing the roof. Don't point the hose upwards.
I'd like to know how it copes with a car wash since most convertibles go through just fine.
The manual states- "Handwashing is recommended; modern automatic washing systems equipped with soft brushes which do not apply excessive pressure and employ specific soft top products may be used".

The manual states- "Handwashing is recommended; modern automatic washing systems equipped with soft brushes which do not apply excessive pressure and employ specific soft top products may be used".

Not my local carwash then!
As the dealer says it's quite normal. The window folds out of the way when the roof goes down and therefore when it closes it pushes back up against the roof itself.

If you press on the window when washing it it moves in (as if folding away) and a small amount of water can then seep in.

It would be very unlikely to rain in though, unless your parked it upside down or rain somehow defied gravity :p


Having similar probs with my 500c recently. Bought her 4 months ago and she was fine up to about 3 weeks ago, until I washed her with a pressure jet wash and noticed splashing over the rear seats and side windows. I subsequently discovered she was leaking through the top of rear window, so this week took her to the Fiat dealers where I bought her from. The garage(whch I have found to be very good) ran hoses over her for an hour and could not get her to leak. After checking her out thoroughly, they could not find anything wrong at all!!:bang:

They compared her to two other 500c's in stock and are positive there is nothing amiss and said it must be the high pressure jet that caused the leak. The design of the soft top is such that the top of the rear window is free and not fixed to the rest of the roof in order that it can fold underneath the top when the roof goes down.

I can understand this and this is probably the root cause of the problem. Prior to this I washed her myself with an ordinary hose at home, and had no problems,also there is no water ingress into the cabin whatsoever even during heavy rain.
So the moral seems to be-DON'T USE A PRESSURE WASHER ON THE 500C!! and only hand wash the roof. I suppose common sense dictates this anyway.
You are not meant to pressure wash the roof on any soft top convertible. You force the water into the fabric and encourage moss to grow and it takes ages to dry.
You are not meant to pressure wash the roof on any soft top convertible.

I'd go further & recommend not using a pressure washer on any car, period. The only meaningful use in car cleaning I can think of is to power a foam lance.

If you prepare, polish & wax the car properly, you'll only need to use gently running water to keep it sparkly clean. Maintaining the last stage protection is the key.
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I'd go further & recommend not using a pressure washer on any car, period. The only meaningful use in car cleaning I can think of is to power a foam lance.

If you prepare, polish & wax the car properly, you'll only need to use gently running water to keep it sparkly clean. Maintaining the last stage protection is the key.

I would normally agree with you-BUT...:)

Where we live now (in the sticks) there is a plethora of horse sh**t, cow sh**t, and mud on the roads. Huge piles of it everywhere!:eek: Now I love animals as much as the next man but...this 'mixture' when it dries (which it does very quickly) has the consistency and sticking power of epoxy and concrete combined!

I cannot get it off even with my ordinary hose at home-this was the reason for using the jet wash!
I did think about going out with my shotgun to 'disperse' the said offenders, but the wife didn't think that was a good idea(n)

So I guess its back to using the old hose pipe at home regularly and keeping 'on top' of the accumulation of animal faeces before it can gain its magical tenacious properties!
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I cannot get it off even with my ordinary hose at home-this was the reason for using the jet wash!

Regular (monthly) application of a decent softish wax (Colly 915 is as good as any) low down on the car should enable even the most stubborn stains to be washed off with a conventional hose, but you might have to get down on your knees to apply it where it matters most.
where live now (in the sticks) there is a plethora of horse sh**t, cow sh**t, and mud on the roads.

Come to West Sussex where I live and experience the bird S**t that is deposited. Sometimes you would have thought a cow had flown over the car and scored a direct hit. I am a victim of large Beech trees at the front of the house which have Tree Protection Orders on them. My car is parked outside the garage as my OH has taken possession of same. If I get my parking position wrong by a couple of inches, the flying cows prevail.:bang:
I'd go further & recommend not using a pressure washer on any car, period. The only meaningful use in car cleaning I can think of is to power a foam lance.

If you prepare, polish & wax the car properly, you'll only need to use gently running water to keep it sparkly clean. Maintaining the last stage protection is the key.

I'd disagree, a good blast first, followed by snowfoam to get the rest, followed by a blast off will result in an almost contactless wash if done correctly, no so easy without a pressure washer.

Still shouldn't be used on a soft top though.