laptop GFX card is on its way out

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laptop GFX card is on its way out

Nov 4, 2003
okay so its not a laptop as such
its on of those hybrid media PC things where its all inside the screen
been getting flashing screens and occasions where the screen goes black
then it started creating blue lines on everything
the screen goes bright and it appears the PC is using onboard GFX (see pic)


the card (are they actually cards on laptops?) is an Nvidia Gforce 8400 GT

Im guessing the card is on its way out?
im using as recenty a driver i can.its a Vaio and i can only install a vaio driver
dont know if they use specific hardware on the sony PC's?
The 8000 series laptop graphics are infamous for it. The heatsink is not properly in place so the chip overheats and eventually breaks (similar to the Xbox 360 rrod).

to be fair the PC has been on 24/7 for probably 3 years or more
so whats the deal with these things? do they 'just' slot in like PC cards in a standard slot
or is it going to be a pain?
depends, but unlikely. The 8400M is generally just sold as an IC. Unless you can solder BGA stuff then it's not easy to swap out.

I think some Sony laptops have them on cards, so it may not be all lost - crack it open and have a look.
Good luck :).

And yes my dads HP media laptop had a Geforce 8400 gfx which knacked in 14months but killed the whole mobo (I'm assuming cause its integrated).

Although a really common fault (100's of internet posts about the same laptop) HP washed their hands so it was up to me to change the motherboard :(.
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Although a really common fault (100's of internet posts about the same laptop) HP washed their hands so it was up to me to change the motherboard :(.
Dell accepted liability on the XPS M1330 (I have one) and extended the warranty on the GPU to 3 years. Also did a bios update which kicks the fan in earlier. Good video showing a Dell tech replacing a XPS M1330 motherboard - serious stripping required!

Stripping laptops down isn't too hard :)

A bit of patience, some force, some delicacy and thought and you can easily get them apart and back together. A guy at work had a couple of lines across his LCD on his laptop and I found the same machine which had a faulty motherboard (graphical corruption!) and had the screens swapped over in about 5 minutes. Motherboards are a bit more of a job but if you take your time and look at which screws go where you can't go wrong :)
Say that once you've done my Dads HP. I've done 100's of different laptops over the years without difficulty and this was by far the hardest especially without damaging anything. Took me over 2hours start to finish I recon and I still had screws left over :chin:
Ah yes. Consumer HP's are buggers to work on. I've done a few HP and Dell enterprise machines and they're decent to work on :)
wel here we are

Sony took the PC back and repaired it under warranty
came back today,all good?
well no.
they have repaired it, but have fitted a motherboard with no extra graphics
this leaves me a windows 7 graphics rating of 1 in 2d/3d,and a machine that while specced with a Bluray drive,is now incapable of playing Blurays :doh:
wel here we are

Sony took the PC back and repaired it under warranty
came back today,all good?
well no.
they have repaired it, but have fitted a motherboard with no extra graphics
this leaves me a windows 7 graphics rating of 1 in 2d/3d,and a machine that while specced with a Bluray drive,is now incapable of playing Blurays :doh:
Nice (y) NOT
wrong part will have been ordered or received. Happened all the time when I worked for a Toshiba/hp/ibm repair place