Anyone else receive Part 2 of the New Fiat 500 'Story of Joy' booklet? How wicked is it??!! Love the Italian national anthem button near the back Very clever marketing by Fiat
I got one and had a look through it. It's quite funky, but doesn't really give me any new information on the car.
I was just left wondering how much each book had cost Fiat and I chucked it away. I normally recycle, but I'll be damned if I was gonna rip out the metal spine and electronic gubbins. What a waste IMO.
I like it because its original and contemporary, like the car. There is a brochure available from Fiat (with all the extras etc). The 'Joy' booklets are purely marketing and soooo cute (like the car!). It's great to see a company do something different than just send out a normal boring brochure. I appreciate how much has gone into the design and marketing of the New 500, Fiat have done a brilliant job