Job Dilema

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Job Dilema


It was broken, honest
Sep 24, 2003
United Kingdom.
There is a possibility of a good job with an American company in the UK. Has anybody got any experience of working for an American owned and managed company in the UK as they have different working practices to European companies.
i work for hsbc

wheres that base all over

jus go for it mate and if it more money all the better then have to abide by the eu rules i think
I thought you owned your own company, going to move away from that and get even more money? Greedy!
The thing is the job is very good as it involves setting up a European headquarters. I don't own all of the company I currently run, it is partly owned by another company. The trouble is I may not be allowed to continue to have any involvement with my current company if I go for this opportunity.

That's the dilema.
Go with the money ;) jk

If the company is based in the US the best I can advise is that you will expect lots of trans-atlantic flights even with today's technology.

Apart from that it will be a great challenge if it is a new HQ, I know it's a different scale but at Powergen I was part of a completely new team and I loved the challenging elements it offered.

TBH in my experience you would find greater differences between UK and European business practises than UK to US, though most of that experience is theory based.