Is auto glym the best

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Is auto glym the best


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Jul 19, 2005
Hi I have just got a mrk 2 punto - I had a mrk one white punto previously and was a doddle to clean ! However this one is dark green and everytime it rains or I clean it I end up with irritating streak water marks - I used ot use (I know its awful) washing up liquid on my mrk 1 and worked fine but don't want to do that with my nice new car - people have mentioned Auto glym are these products best? Willt hey solve my streak issue - even the chammois doesn't seem to work as as soon as it rains its back to sq 1!
I'd say Autoglym is best in the affordable price range.

There is better stuff out there but if your not entering a major concourse not really worth it IMHO.

naomiharvey said:
Thanks for that - whats the flash system and where stocks it?

Most places stock it these days, but try Wolworths, think I heard from some on here that they were doing it for half price, normally it is £20, so £10 is a complete Bargain!! (y)
Autoglym is OK, but for a bit more £££ Meguiars is far better.

Any car will be left streaky after rain, it's just more noticable on a dark colour, but always leather it off after washing.

Meguiars do a 3 stage "kit", a paint cleaner, polish and wax, 3 seperate products to use after washing, takes a good few hours but leaves the paint looking a million dollars.
Im a valeter of high standerds for over 14 years and YES auto glym products are the best on the market, with auto smart coming a close second
Years ago simoniz used to be the best in car care, not sure how it is these days.
only used auto glym super resin polish brings my dark blue clio shiney n smooth to touch but not as shiney as id like it to b
nay27uk said:
Im a valeter of high standerds for over 14 years and YES auto glym products are the best on the market, with auto smart coming a close second

wots Auto Smart? i aint heard of that
Auto Smart products are quality. Im a part time valeter, actually i only valet saturday mornings, but ive worked on and off for nearly 8 years using the stuff, and i can get good results from most cars, even ones with poor paint work (y)
The flash car washer is amazing everybody should have one. Easy to clean the car with amazing results and the best bit is you don't chamy it you just leave it and it dries streak free. The streaks are dirt in the water drying on the body but the flash wash filters out the dirt so no marks left. Autoglym is pritty good stuff and they have a product for almost every job
i dont use anything but auto glym, probably because down at my local mod shop they have a bucket full of free testers. :)
concept horizon trade polish the best.for retail,a good non liquid wax will be the best.damn hard work though.the finish will justify the glym tends to leave a powder residue.always polish out of sunlight.concept are in stockport.can be bought from any brown brothers outlet.well worth the money.
Well I believe Meguair's is the best product I have ever used. From alloy spray to car wash and polish, they have the whole lot. What I like is the quick detailing system which includes a clay. No matter how much you wax your car or even use some mild polishes, you can never get that flat out, mirror like and ultra smooth on the touch. With the clay, it picks all the elements from the bodywork and when you apply your carnauba wax, makes it really stand from the crowd. Try the '' Quick detailing system with Clay from Meguiar's''. Usually available from Halfords or ebay. Once you use this product, believe me you would try all the range and there are lots of them. Let me know