Mrs. Beard wrote off her Stilo a few months ago by running it into the back of a Nissan X-Trail. After a few weeks of messing about, they made an offer which we declined and they came back and made a better offer which we accepted.
All well and good you might suppose, but last month we received a letter from the other party's Insurer stating that the Wife's Insurer had not coughed up. We gave the letter to our Broker who said that this sort of thing went on all the time with one Insurer delaying and the other sending out nasty letters to the Insured.
We've had another one today which stated:
'It is unfortunate that is now necessary to contact you directly. Despite corresponding with your Insurance Company requesting reimbursment of the cost of our claim, we have not received payment.
We have now informed your Insurers that if payment is not received within the next 14 days, it is our intention to pass the file to our nominated solicitors who will commence legal proceedings. As we are holding you responsible for this accident, these proceedings will be issued in your name at the above address.
You should be aware that such proceedings will also include a claim for costs and statutory interest.
We strongly suggest that you contact your Insurers to resolve the delay of our claim, if litigation is to be avoided.'
So, I'm presuming that this is yet another tactic, one to offset the delaying tactic of Mrs. Beard's Insurers. So the question is: Could this come down to us having to cough up or is there some mechanism that will force the Wife's Insurers to pay up?
Anybody know?
All well and good you might suppose, but last month we received a letter from the other party's Insurer stating that the Wife's Insurer had not coughed up. We gave the letter to our Broker who said that this sort of thing went on all the time with one Insurer delaying and the other sending out nasty letters to the Insured.
We've had another one today which stated:
'It is unfortunate that is now necessary to contact you directly. Despite corresponding with your Insurance Company requesting reimbursment of the cost of our claim, we have not received payment.
We have now informed your Insurers that if payment is not received within the next 14 days, it is our intention to pass the file to our nominated solicitors who will commence legal proceedings. As we are holding you responsible for this accident, these proceedings will be issued in your name at the above address.
You should be aware that such proceedings will also include a claim for costs and statutory interest.
We strongly suggest that you contact your Insurers to resolve the delay of our claim, if litigation is to be avoided.'
So, I'm presuming that this is yet another tactic, one to offset the delaying tactic of Mrs. Beard's Insurers. So the question is: Could this come down to us having to cough up or is there some mechanism that will force the Wife's Insurers to pay up?
Anybody know?