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Sep 1, 2009
As it's so quiet again I can only assume everyone's buggered off on holiday :D For those left, are you going to get away this year or have you already been?

I'm hoping to be doing a road trip down the west coast in September although if I carry on spending money at my current rate it may be a very short one :(
Taking in a bit of the Black Forrest in Germany then on to Luxembourg for cheap tobacco and booz and up to Holland for a bike rally. Wish it was on the bike but limited to my contraband storage. :laugh:
Was in turkey for 2 weeks, best holiday ive ever been on, speedboats, banana boats, jeep safari, boat trips, fake designer stuff... awesome!
I found the people to friendly in Turkey. I was there in 96 and trying to walk past shops with everyone wanting me to drink tea and spend my cash in there shops did my heed in. I did visit Istanbul and troy and Ephesus what was good but I doubt I would go back. Mind you I hate sitting on a beach so why I let the girlfriend drag me there I will never know.
A short sharp '**** off' usually did the trick for me lol, they love blonde/blue eyed girls over there so both my daughters received a lot of attention, but it wasnt in a bad way, they are very family orientated, friendly people, oldest didnt like it but the younger one soon tagged onto the free gifts from shops and playing tig with waiters haha
Stuart said:
A short sharp '**** off' usually did the trick for me lol, they love blonde/blue eyed girls over there so both my daughters received a lot of attention, but it wasnt in a bad way, they are very family orientated, friendly people, oldest didnt like it but the younger one soon tagged onto the free gifts from shops and playing tig with waiters haha

I also noticed on the 2nd week when you have a tan they tend to leave you alone and they go after the white people as they are new to the resort. Craft gits. When I cam out the Blue Mosque in Istanbul there was 100's of kids selling trinkets or postcards. Did the sky not just open up with a torrential storm where all the kids buggered off. Two minutes later they were back selling umbrellas and plastic macs. Crafty wee shites. :laugh:
Holiday??? Pah I can't afford a Holiday as such.

My versions of a Holiday are either stay at home & do sfa for a week or go down to England & stay at my Nan's for a week.

Although I'm on holiday from the 4th till the 11th of August, need to spend the time working on Dubster.
Jobs to do on the car: Change front discs, fit new pads, check & adjust rear shoes, oil change, new spark plugs in, make sure I've got it all done before the Friday, as Friday evening I'm driving down to Carlisle, so need good brakes before I go down.

And then next holiday 15th till 22nd of September, going down to my Nan's that week.
Mini holiday today but as it'll be spent removing some out of control plants from the front garden it won't feel like one by the end of the day. There's a trip to one of the nicer garden centres in the area first though which I'm trying to con myself I'm doing only because someone needs a favour en route but really it's so I can look at all plants and things I can't afford :laugh:
Weekend in Blackpool for me and the family then ten days in Turkey and that's me for this year thanks
Turkey appears to be a common theme/holiday at the moment - I know lots of folks going there this year.

Mini holiday finished and the final tally on the front garden is 13 x 60-100 litre bags of out of control lilies and mombretia removed and taken to the tip, 6 x 75 litre bags of bark chips bought and used to bolster existing chips, 1 x forkie tail nest found in chips and now lots of the bastards running around the boot of the punto :shout: :shout:

back garden has had 6 bags of weeds removed from it and it still looks like it belongs in Detroit rather than Aberdeenshire :ph34r:

I'm knackered and need a holiday lol