Hole in my door, help!

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Hole in my door, help!

Trav 1.1uno

Jul 5, 2005
Near Glasgow, Scotland
Hey Guys, my mk2 uno has some class rust patches on the passenger door just below the window. i was polishing it and put a hole init, about the size of a pin head, any 1 any suggestions as to how to repair it before my mot? im also curious as to chris0288's comment about redex, my car is 13 yr old, should i try it or just miss it out?
Trav 1.1uno said:
Hey Guys, my mk2 uno has some class rust patches on the passenger door just below the window. i was polishing it and put a hole init, about the size of a pin head, any 1 any suggestions as to how to repair it before my mot? im also curious as to chris0288's comment about redex, my car is 13 yr old, should i try it or just miss it out?

The hole should not affect your mot.
only if its close to mounting points, stuppidly large or could be dangerous (ie, sticking out)

If you want to do it properly you would have to take back to bare metal then filler and repaint, but if its really bad doing this could open up a whole can of worms (n)
thanks man, i think im gonna rub it all down, take the door cards off inside and fibreglass it from there, rub it down and spray it. what u think?
Trav 1.1uno said:
thanks man, i think im gonna rub it all down, take the door cards off inside and fibreglass it from there, rub it down and spray it. what u think?

Bit of fiberglass and some filler will work a treat.
Just remember to use wet and dry and take your time, if you rush your wasting your time mate (y)
:) A good idea when working on jobs like this , ( rubbing down corrosion , primer , repainting ) is to do this in the summer or on a hot day , if its cold or damp , moisture will ingress into the fresh steel , and show itself in a couple of months , also where you have shiny new steel , paint with rust inhibitor first . before painting