Technical Hesitates at wide open

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Technical Hesitates at wide open


New member
Dec 10, 2006
May Pen Jamaica WI
My engine runs fine when i just feather the go pedal but when i floor the pedal the car hesitates then shoots off like in cartoons

A week ago it would stall if i did this in first gear but a bottle of injector cleaner in the tank and a tin of carb cleaner took care of that but the big hesitation in any gear and at any speed is still there.

i dont know much about the carb but i dont think i would have much of a problem dismantling it if i know what i'm looking for
Seems many people will not have this problem as it was caused by the air adjust screw being in too far. Yes the same one that is not supposed to be touched.

still not getting it right as turning it does not give any change in idle speed

Read somewhere where Ales drilled his idle jet think ill try that as soon as i find which one it is. will search for that thread.
With a cold air intake you will get hesitation in the low rpms because the piping is longer than a short ram intake and the air takes longer to travel. Once you hit high rpms you notice a boost. This means when you gas it hard you may be feeling that hesitation in the low rpms before your engine revs high enough to get that cold air boost.
My car has been doing this a bit recently, so thanks for the update :)
Will do, Chas :)

It's still got good acceleration most of the time though, it only does it sometimes :s