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General Help Me!

May 2, 2004
United Kingdom.
I don't quite know how this Forum thing works but hopefully someone will help, I need a parcel shelf for my Panda Fire 999cc also a boot locking mechanisum and some advise about how to improve the look of it and get rid of the rust around the bottom of the doors?

:D Thanks Guys!

Gemma :p
If you mean the shelf behind the rear seat there is one on Ebay now, if you're quick:

appears to be new but only 2 hours to go, currently 15UKP, one bidder.

I think I've seen lock mechanisms on there recently, but can't find one at the moment.

There maybe someone along in a while who has one saved from a scrapped Panda...

Doors are another matter - almost without exception they rust.
PandamanPaul has had a garage repair done on his recently.. others (like me) mess about with filler, etc... but it's usually just a matter of months before it bubbles through again.

BTW, what colour is your Panda??
Hi Gemma....and welcome.

'Boot Locking mechanisms' .... do you need the whole thing or just a barrel and key ?

What reg is your Panda ? I've got some shelves around somewhere !

Doors are a real problem for rot. Unless you are a real Panda purist, look for Seat Marbella doors. They are the same as Mk 1 Panda doors, but have been zinc-coated, double-primed and usually ziebarted during manufacture. They tend to last longer than Panda ones, but have a quarterlight setup in the windows. This can be changed (fairly) easily to the later Panda style if you keep the fittings from the current doors.

Hey Guys,

Thanks for the advice My Panda is a J Reg missed out on the percel shelf on ebay, £15 is a bit much though so maybe I'll find one cheaper?

I'm getting a mate to look at the Locking Mech on boot tonight see if he can come up with the problem, then I know what I am looking for!

The seat marbella doors can I pick those up at a scrappy?

Cheers for the help this site is really good!


Oh..... and it's WHITE!!!
A good scrapyard should have some Marbella doors. They are less popular (and cheaper) than Panda ones...but are a direct replacement.
Slight problem... I think that they were only produced in red or black.

Originally posted by pandafan
A good scrapyard should have some Marbella doors. They are less popular (and cheaper) than Panda ones...but are a direct replacement.
Slight problem... I think that they were only produced in red or black.

Also blue.

Later ones have a huge grey plastic covering over the bottom half of the doors (and side panel).
I didn't know they came in blue !!
The door-bottom covers are great for rotten doors on early Pandas...if you can obtain the rest of the body kit for a Marbella.

I did a quick search to see what was out there - the only two, with pictures, are both blue...


On there is a white one too - but no picture.

But, do you want your Panda to look like a Marbella[?]
Hey John H. !!

So what's wrong with Marbell's then ? (short list only please ).....I've got two parked outside as we speak......beautiful ![:eek:)]

Oh! erm....

Cart spring rear suspension (admittedly as our first two Pandas were, but the omega axle arrangement is better).

Indentity crisis for the recipient Panda :D (if you're scavenging parts for a Panda)

Don't they still have the hammock rear seat? ... which means rear seat passengers get their backs/organs damaged by the contents of the boot if you stop abruptly. (again as the original Panda, but they were changed to metal backed.)

Beyond that, I suppose, it's a Panda by any other name [8D]
O.K., yes; but apart from that !

Incidentally...We've had 8 or so Pandas and derivatives in the past 5 years and only one of them (Sergio Tecchini) had omega suspension.

I do like my cart-springs ! (and I NEVER sit in the back, so there isn't a problem !);)
