Technical Heater Valve

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Technical Heater Valve


Established member
May 20, 2003
United Kingdom.
Hi, i have replaced my heater valve about 2 years ago but as i move the slider the valve opens and closes but it has started to leak coolant out.Will undoing the screw on the end of the valve help the coolant stop or do i need to fit another valve

Thanks Shaun


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I think it is time for a new valve.
IIRC, the screw is only there to hold the lever in place. The valve is listed as a replacement part, if something goes wrong with it, there is no way to rebuild it.

Where is it leaking from?
Hi bludvl_x19

I think it is coming out of the end where the screw is, i will have another lookn today

Thanks Shaun
Shaun - bludvl is exactly right. The screw just holds the plate that holds the lever arm on.
My 1300's is leaking from the exact same spot. I have a new one - just waiting better weather to fit. Its a replacement only option I'm afraid. Should have lasted more than two years though. Your photo is from Eurosport UK - thats where I got mine from - good guys and should do you well..........
For now just close off the air-flow flap and turn the heater slide to cold to ensure minimal water flow until you replace it. If you start the engine (and hence raise the water pressure) just release the coolant cap to release the pressure or it will continue to drip.

BTW if you fit yours before mine any advice appreciated!
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Thanks Nello

Did not think there would be any way around it

I am going to wait until it gets a bit warmer as well

The first one i fitted was not to bad just a bit awkward more than anything else
Just to update this to say I replaced mine today. Darn awkward and I'll spend tonight with a sore back and shoulders. I found the strap that supports the inlet/outlet valve awkward to remove/refit. Its vital though to allow the heater matrix to drop down. The retaining clamp that holds the heater position control was screwed on ridiculously tight and the four clips that hold up the fan box were awkward to fit back on. Got there in the end though.
I have only driven the car since up and down the drive as the car is currently SORN'ed. I took the opportunity to flush out the heater matrix. Presumably I need to run the car on a good run to allow it to fill back up with hot water? The car sat and idled up to normal running temp. but could not feel any heat?
Yes bludvl.....In fact another thing I noticed I had to do was reset the 'pull' on the valve that holds the cable as initially when I put the new one in I had screwed it on in the wrong position so that I could not move the cable to the full hot setting. Still could not feel heat? I emptied the matrix after flushing - will take for a test drive when back on the road (soon) to see if its takes a while to refill and generate the heat. No leaks though at last...
Hi, found this thread with Google .... just happened to be job that was making me curse yesterday. Don't you just love Haynes :bang:

A couple of questions if I could as clearly my Xray vision was faulty while laying upside down in the footwell with my legs sticking out the targa!

Are the wires connected to the fan soldered as they don't seem to want to 'slip off'?
Should I be extracting the ducting (that goes to the dash vents) with the body of the heater or should they be separated before pulling it out.

Any hints and tips would be welcome!
Yes bludvl.....In fact another thing I noticed I had to do was reset the 'pull' on the valve that holds the cable as initially when I put the new one in I had screwed it on in the wrong position so that I could not move the cable to the full hot setting. Still could not feel heat? I emptied the matrix after flushing - will take for a test drive when back on the road (soon) to see if its takes a while to refill and generate the heat. No leaks though at last...

How did the test drive turn out?

Hi, found this thread with Google .... just happened to be job that was making me curse yesterday. Don't you just love Haynes :bang:

A couple of questions if I could as clearly my Xray vision was faulty while laying upside down in the footwell with my legs sticking out the targa!

Are the wires connected to the fan soldered as they don't seem to want to 'slip off'?
Should I be extracting the ducting (that goes to the dash vents) with the body of the heater or should they be separated before pulling it out.

Any hints and tips would be welcome!

Hi PompeySteve, welcome to the forum.
The heater box is two pieces, with the heater matrix inbetween them. There is a number of metal clips (4 I think it is) that hold the two parts together. If you unclip the bottom half, and have already removed the pipes into the heater tap/matrix, you should be able to remove the tap/matrix. That leaves the top half, with all the ducting and the fan, in situ in the car.
Thanks for the welcome!

Is there any chance there are different versions of the heater? I have a late D plate. The 4 clips are there as you describe but the matrix is bolted to the bodywork. The clips secure to the main air box (and to the matrix) and once released the box and fan assembly fall down. So the sandwich goes Matrix, fan, air box working from top to bottom. Sounds different to what you describe?
I once replaced the heater valve and made a short report. You can find it here:
What you're describing sounds correct, the work is done mostly upside down. However the matrix is not bolted to the bodywork, it's supposed to be hanging from the pipes.
Check the photos I took. Mine is a LHD car. The RHD may be a bit easier to work on, as the fan wires are only long enough to push it to the left, and you don't have any pedals in the way
Many thanks ... your work is indeed famous as the link was also provided the Fiat CC forum too. Maybe you should have taken royalties?!
Yes I used ppalma's guide to help me! :)
Steve - I think the heater was common to all cars - Have you removed the retaining strap from the matrix? This will hold the unit in the upper box section until removed? Its quite hard to see/get at. Once you have unclipped the four clips and undone the heater cable as per ppalma's page take the fan box out of the passenger footwell. Its a bit of a git to manouvre out - the ducts into the centre console tend to catch on the wiring clips. I found it easier to remove the centre heater flaps from the dash (though mines a 1300 and they unclip quite easily).