Harly Wax - Yellow Brazilian Carnauba Wax

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Harly Wax - Yellow Brazilian Carnauba Wax

Oct 7, 2004
Towcester, Northants
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I've not seen it but the first guy the one in the UK with the 1974 De Tomaso Pantera GTS is supposed to be amazing, i few guys I know off the EVOFORUM have seen it in the flesh and say its the cleanest car they have ever seen!

I'm going to give it a try on the Cinq see how it is with a poorer paint finish than the one on the integrale.

That stuff looks very good might invest in some before shows....

Does it help keep the dirt off at all... i.e clean it drive to a show and still nice and shiney?
jamie86 said:
That stuff looks very good might invest in some before shows....

Does it help keep the dirt off at all... i.e clean it drive to a show and still nice and shiney?
If you're driving to a show what you need is one of these http://www.raceglaze.co.uk/ go to wash and polish section and scroll down to the Arizona duster as it will remove dust and light dirt after a drive.

PS the rest of their stuff is good as well.

Id recommend Harly Wax anyday! its wicked. I got mine from knightsbrooke autodesign for £18 free delivery. knightsbrooke.co.uk(y)
I will buying this and trying it out as on a load of forums people have said how good it is. Beware though that in warm weather it can melt, and it is sticky so will attract dust like a flipping Dyson!

As for "100% Carnauba Wax" - I remain sceptical, as it must be around 50-60% wax. 100% Carnauba wax means you will never be able to apply it as it is rock hard!!!

However, as I said before, a lot of people have tried it, and are impressed with the results. I will be buying a tin or two and will post up the results when I have tried it.
Ok I tried mine about a week and a half ago, after ordering off Johnny Woods on eBay. This guy is totally amazing, so I was glad to pay a few quid extra to a chap who more thank deserves it.

Anyway, it arrived in short order, and I dutifully washed and totally blitzed my car so that it was dirt free. On went the wax, and just with the first coat the results were stunning. I decided to apply a second coat, but it was as spectacular, but that is probably because the first made such a huge difference. Anyway, I shall be building up the coats every week now.

Harly Wax does exactly what it says on the tin. I shall be ordering a few cans.
Not tried this yet, got some P21s along with truck loads of other stuff, but heard good things. I'm personally not convinced by the idea that you can layer wax. 2 coats is a good idea to cover the bits that were missed first time. After that I think you're wasting your time. A regular monthly wax is probably a good idea, if you can be bothered.......
Hmm i see your point thepottlefulmp, but I believe that if you can build up different layers once the previously layer has had time to cure, it should help protect the paintwork better. My only concern is during hot weather, as this is sure to melt the wax. Then what? But that is some way off now!
The solvents in the wax which make it useable will just strip off anything already there. Layering is myth IMO and your better off applying more regularly than spending a day trying to wax the car 7 times or something stupid like that.
Errrrr :nutter: ....I would not be so presumptious as to call something that someone is trying to do "stupid", and certainly not without all the facts. :nono:

I never said I would be applying lots of coats in one "sitting" (as it were), in fact my idea was to let it cure (as I said before) for about a week, before washing and applying another one (or maybe two) coats again. That way, the previous weeks coats of wax have had time to settle into the paintwork and "cure" (for want of a better term). And hopefully I will just be washing off the dirt from the hardened coats of wax.

Also, the Harly Wax has no solvents (to the best of my knowledge).:)
Just a generalisation comment, I wasn't suggesting you were going to apply 7 coats or something stupid like that but I've heard of people that have :rolleyes: Personally I wouldn't actually bother with more than 1 - I haven't waxed the Alfa since Feb :) . I couldn't comment on the solvent content of Harlys but I don't suppose that it contains more than 30% carnauba wax by volume so something must make it useable what the rest of it contains is a mystery.....anyway enough of this apply the wax as you wish, if it makes you happy why not and and enjoy the results :)

PS post some pics when you are done.